EvilBenni profile picture


Get me a beer. Now. Before I collapse.........

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator

Im the Drummer with UK thrash band EVILE. If you know me, you know what to expect, if you don't, where the hell you been?!?
I have an amazing, beautiful girlfriend, a fucking awesome family, and I like to get drunk and thrash. A lot.
Currently, I am endorsed by Mapex Drums, Zildjian Cymbals, and Protection Racket Cases. I consider this gear to be BENPROOF, otherwise I wouldnt play it!

My Interests

SUPER LOUD CRAZY HAPPY FUN DISASTER MEGA HYPER THRASH ROCK ULTRA METAL GIGABLAST MAYHEM OF DESTRUCTION IN YOUR FACE "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" *does epic metal cheese pose*!!!!!!!!EVILE!!!I'm into: tattoos, ancient civilizations, BEER, food, tequila, jack daniels, cats, RETRO (goddamnit!!!) Computer Games (I mean BEFORE the constant supply of crap nowadays lol) anything thats NOT shit...
I'm not into: scary heights, electricity pylons, crap people, ignorance, cheats, thieves, wet weather, and things that ARE shit....

I'd like to meet:

Someone who goes through more drumsticks than me..........NHL BIAAAATCCCHHH!!!!!!


Anthrax, Annihilator, Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, Rhapsody, System of a down, Iron Maiden, Death, Opeth, Onslaught, ANYTHING THAT HAS SOME FUCKING PASSION BEHIND IT!!!


Fight Club, Se7en, IT, War of the Worlds, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (original!), ANY ZOMBIE FLICK!


WWE, most comedies, especially Arrested Development, Futurama, Simpsons, ANY 80's Cartoons ie MASK, Thundercats, He-Man, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, Transformers.....list goes on for eternity......


Anything by Stephen King, any X-Men graphic novels, Porn etc....The usual guy shit hahaa


Lars Ulrich (metallica), Joey Belladonna, (Anthrax), My DAD (Awww), Steve Grimmett (Onslaught/Gim Reaper) Bender from Futurama, and Bret "The Hitman" Hart.