In the same way that we evolved a certain cognitive abstract capability as a function of our capacity to read, there is every reason to believe that there are other untapped abstract capabilities of our brains that are not being developed by our traditional educational system.
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Currently Reading...
Fourteen Lessons In Yogi Philosophy
From Intellect to Intuition
Man Visible & Invisible
Open Your Mind to Prosperity
Challenging books to read throughout my life...
Synaptic Self by Joseph LeDoux
MindWaves by Blakemore and Greenfield
Vital Dust by Christian de Duve
The Fire Within The Eye by David Park (A historical essay on the nature and meaning of light)
Well there's Super Stephanie~ and then there's Krone. Krone & I have come to the conclusion that the social realm inhabiting mother has been & will continue to cause a wide spread unnecessary pain and suffering for a mere overstuffed ego of the individual dweller.