Fotomoto was an instrumental project from the beginning and consist of two men: Sergey and Anton. About one year the group existed as bedroom project, being engaged in the composition and record of music in extra low-budget domestic studio. The band has had three ancient synths, old Alesis drum-machine and a guitar made in the former USSR. Also not state of art PC.
When, during rehearsals the certain amount of musical ideas has collected, Olya Volodina has joined a group, introducing some female vocal and lyrics in French.When ready musical material was enough for a high-grade album, Alexander Ivanov has joined a band. He has helped group to adopt the majority of a material recorded before for live performance and has undertaken duties on midi and drum programming and mixing desk.
The genre and stylistics of group in many respects was defined by musical preferences of group members covering rather wide spectrum of music: from techno, indie- and gothic-rock, surf, dub up to classical music and a jazz.,13887,1393766,00.
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