Imagine a girl, who dont speak English and singing in classical style and a band which plays music from art-rock to garage.This band was formed in Kiev, Ukraine in 2003 when I recognize that most of modern popular music sound like one long lifeless song singing by the plastic doll. Especially "alternative" and "heavy" music that makes me sleepy. So, we formed the band and start. First we do some covers. Sex Pistols "Anarchy in UK" was the first one. We recorded garage guitar, reconstructed song from punk to AC/DC heavy rhythm and blues style and recorded opera-like woman vocal. Result was acceptable...or shocking)) We call this song "Monarchy in Ukraine".So, I cant discribe this "format" correctly))) Someone call this "classic rock", someone - "progressive", oneday I've been advised putting this in "experimental" genre. Actually, we write melodic songs to play them on stage. Usually they are 2-3 min long and have typically guitar-rock sound. In contrast we use academic style of singing. We concentrate on music, not words. In fact, we use something that sound like English for non-English speaking people))VZ
The CRACK on stage amateur video
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