...act bloom is a live jam performance projekt...made of 99% love and another usefull stuff...act bloom is a nice interactive sampling and looping...what?..A.B. just takes some musik ideas and experiment on it, using more or less than his music-set...he doesnt use a lot of production junk...
...if you need a support or want to support me - let me know...
maybe a gig?..
if you are not in myspace?..you are a happy one!... :)
so you if you want, u can write on: [email protected]
"Kto?" - live at streetart expo
you can catch same videos (and maybe even more) on youtube
act bloom is also responsible for music with buits crew...buits!..buits!..buits!.."buits muisik" is german true skul hip-hop projekt, is it?"
check: buits muisik