Life ..
My sister Cajuana aka Cooley C
Soul Music
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The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Fountain, There Will Be Blood, Goodbye Uncle Tom, Sankofa, Imitation of Life, The Wizard of Oz, The Machurian Candidate (Original), A.I., A Scanner Darkly, Blow, Eyes Wide Shut, Fight Club, The Running Man, Thank You For Smoking, The Terminator, Bon Voyage Charlie Brown, X, They Live, Enemy of the State, New Jersey Drive, Halloween, A Clockwork Orange, City of God and
Sun Ra - Space Is The Place..
The Twilight Zone (Original), Star Trek (Original), X-Men (90's animated series), The X-Files, Boondocks, Family Guy, History Channel (Sometimes), Discovery Channel (Sometimes), CNN and NBA television (yeah, i still watch sports)
The Miseducation of the Negro (Carter G. Woodson), The Prophet (Kahlil Gibran), The Isis Papers (Frances Cress Welsing), From N****s to Gods (Akil), The Lathe of Heaven (Le Guin), Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (De Las Casas), Ron Brown's Body (Jack Cashill), Children of the Matrix (David Icke), Metu Neter (Ra Un Nefer Amen), The Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Religious Text.
My Soul Creator, Good, Water, Imhotep, Nat Turner, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, Sun Ra, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee, the countless storytellers and messengers.