Words and expressions
All these confessions
Of where we stand
How I see you
And you see me
Dedications of symmetry
Together we will be
Promises are shit
We speak the way we breathe
Present air will have to do
Rearrange and see it through
Stupid fucking words
They tangle us in our desires
Free me from this give and take
Free me from this great debate
There were no truer words than when spoken
Let that stand as it should
There was nothing left when broken
We grab anything when we fall
Promises are shit
We speak the way we breathe
Present air will have to do
Rearrange and see us through
Stupid fucking words
They tangle us in our desires
Free me from this give and take
Free me from this great debate
You will do what you do
I will do what I do
We will do what we do
Rearrange and see it through
Go where you think you want to go
Do everything you were sent here for
Fire at will if you hear that call
Touch your hand to the wall at night
Silence is the greatest sedition
Saul Williams - Not In Our Name:
We believe that as people living
in the United States it is our
responsibility to resist the injustices
done by our government, in our names
Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions of blood for oil
Not in our name
will you invade countries
bomb civilians, kill more children
letting history take its course
over the graves of the nameless
Not in our name
will you erode the very freedoms
you have claimed to fight for
Not by our hands
will we supply weapons and funding
for the annihilation of families
on foreign soil
Not by our mouths
will we let fear silence us
Not by our hearts
will we allow whole peoples
or countries to be deemed evil
Not by our will
and Not in our name
We pledge resistance
We pledge alliance with those
who have come under attack
for voicing opposition to the war
or for their religion or ethnicity
We pledge to make common cause
with the people of the world
to bring about justice freedom and peace
Another world is possible and we pledge to make it real
"Reinventing Axl Rose"
We want a band that plays loud and hard every night
That doesn't care how many people are counted at the door
That would travel one million miles and ask for nothing more
than a plate of food and a place to rest
They'd strike chords that cut like a knife
It would mean so much more than t-shirts or a ticket stub
They'd stop at nothing short of a massacre
Everyone would leave with the memory that there was no
place else in the world
And this was where they always belonged
We would dance like no one was watching
With one fist in the air
Our arena just basements and bookstores across an
underground America
With this fire we could light
Just gimme a scene where the music is free
And the beer is not the life of the party
There's no need to shit talk or impress
'Cause honesty and emotion are not looked down upon
And every promise that's made and bragged
is meant if not kept
We'd do it all because we have to, not because we know why
Beyond a gender, race, and class, we could find what
really holds us back
Let's make everybody sing
That they are the beginning and ending of everything
That we all are stronger than everything they taught us
that we should fear
"You can have wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, or democracy, but you cannot have both." - Louis Brandeis
"Despite disparate claims and personnel of its constituent members the underground are agreed on basic objectives. We intend to march on the police machine everywhere. We intend to destroy the police machine and all its records. We intend to destroy all dogmatic verbal systems. The family unit and its cancerous expansion into tribes, countries, nations; we will eradicate it at its vegetable roots. We don't want to hear anymore family talk, mother talk, father talk, cop talk, priest talk, country talk or party talk. To put it country simple we have had enough bullshit." -William Seward Burroughs
"schadenfreude leads to reality television" - wmb
"Why is the truth always between the first and last pint?" -The Queen of Hearts
Suppressio veri suggestio falsi.
(The suppression of truth is the suggestion of falsehood.)
Of all the enemies of true liberty, war is, perhaps the most to be dreaded because it compromises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debt and taxes; armies and debts and taxes are the known instruments for bringing many under the domination of the few. No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. - James Madison
"These things, it stands to reason, these things won't kill me." -M. Doughty
"seachas cothu na gael do faic." -O. Wilde
"With full intent and better sense, recognize what is false and part with it." -Ragan/Wollard
"It has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep, and never to refrain when awake." -Mark Twain
"Fanatic paralysis inflicted through morality, the seed that it nurtured was a wilted bouquet." -Bixler-Zavala
know thyself, everything to excess.