Age I was born in 1961 in West London, England.
Education Interrupted by a long spell in school. My most terrifying moments were at school, I still have nightmares about it. My mother taught me to read, my father inspired me to read, my grandfather taught me to use tools. School taught me who to avoid in this world. Later thought about getting a degree, started an archeology course, with the intention of using it as an access course... Started working nights had to give up the course.
Previous Jobs Garage pre delivery inspection of new and old cars, Record shop assistant, assistant manager and manager, barman, Telecommunications Technician (best job in the world).
Influences Reading, I am rarely without a book to hand, there are usually 2 or 3 on my bed, one in my coat pocket, 2 in my bag, and hundreds in my flat. Horror films set in the 19th Century, in the 1970s BBC2 would show 2 horror films on a Saturday night usually a Universal 1930s one followed by a 1960s Hammer. Punk (ultimately ruined by a load of Johnny Come Lately yobs) and the independent music scene of the late 1970s early 80s. I am a huge fan of early Cabaret Voltaire . It wasn't just the music I loved it was the "do it yourself" attitude of the bands and artists that had a big influence on me.
Defining Moments Losing my parents, my mother died of cancer 23rd June 2004, my father died of cerebral vascular disease 5th July 2005.
Current situation Some people think I don't work. This is mostly because I do what I what, when I want and fit being self employed around that. I work, I do my accounts, I pay my tax. I live in St Margarets which is a "leafy London suburb". I share my flat with a black cat called Moses .
I am some what obsessed with the late 19th Century and despite living in a 1930s flat have done my best to give it the feel of a gentleman's apartment of the 1890s, see here . I have the strong suspicion that somewhere there is a man living in a 1890 flat who is obsessed with the 1930s. Unfortunately right now my flat looks like a warehouse with piles of boxes stacked to the ceiling in all the rooms.
I enjoy being creative, one of my ambitions is to have a well equipped workshop.