Beep Bleep Boooop. Cookie Bot loves all da hot short-ies. Hells yeah. Cookie Bot also loves swim-ming in big glass-es of milk, and kick-ing the shit out of the gin-ger bread man! Cookie Bot hates him so much. He thinks he is such hot shit, just be-cause he can run fast-er than me. Well whoop-ty doo. Let's see how fast you run with a cookie ro-bot foot up your ass! Bleep Booooooooooooooop.
Booop beep bop. I'll tell ya who I don't want to meet, Cookie Monster. That bitch scares me! Cookie Bot has a lot of love to give, and Cookie Bot loves wo-men like cook-ies love milk. Hells yeah. Bleeep beep boop.
Cookie Bot loves the song Mr. Roboto, and the sweet sound of cookie love. Hells yeah. Bleeep bop booooop.
Music Video Codes By!
Boooop. Short Cir-cuit is da bomb. Bleeep.
Blip bloop. Ever time Cookie Bot sees that show robot wars, Cookie Bot cries hystericly. Beep bop Beep.
Beeep Boop. Why read when you can be mak-ing sweet love? Hells yeah. Bleeep beep.
Beep Ba dooop. John-ny 5. Every ro-bot should a-spire to his great-ness. Bleeep Bloooop.