My Irish heritage, celtic paganism, and gemology just to name a few!
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?? Which Precious Gem Are You ??
! You are Most Like A Ruby !Passionate, in control - and very sexy. You tend tobe more dominant, and people long to possess your wild nature. People find you fun, and a real live wire.You're most like a Ruby because people simply can'ttake their eyes away from you - your bright captivating nature draws people to you.Congratulations ... You're the sparkly fun gem everybody craves.
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Angelina Jolie, The Goddess Morrigan and my cat's mother.
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Many types of music...Pop, rap, classical, country, traditional Celtic/Irish.
ImageCube at"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."~Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is Your Magick Path?
DRUIDIC - You have to live close to nature to survive. You dream magick. In the deep woods you gather, bringing together mysticism and philosophy, insight and learning. Your spirit emerges from the the tides of the sea, the light of the sun, the wind in the Oak, the cry of the deer.
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The Boondock Saints, BraveHeart, The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe and many more!
You scored as Celtic Pantheonic Pagan. Your answers leaned very close to that of the Celtic Pantheon. Very popular now among pagans, the Celtic Gods seem to draw those who are sensitive and insightful, but also very passionate about their beliefs. Many Pagan Holidays are named for this pantheon and here is where you'll find many stories on Horned God, Green Man, and Druids. You likely either have been or want to visit Stonehenge one day. Many Arthurian legnds include references to the Celtic faith, as well.
Celtic Pantheonic Pagan
Shamanic Pagan
Ecclectic Pagan
Zoroastrian Pagan
Eastern Pagan
Roman Pantheonic Pagan
Egyptian Pantheonic Pagan
Norse Pantheonic Pagan (Asatru)
Kabbalistic Pagan
Greek Pantheonic Pagan
Catholic (Pagan?)
Sumerian, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian Pagans
What kind of Pagan are you?
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I like to watch the history channel, "Rome" and "The Sopranos". I also enjoy "Deadwood".
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Buried at My HEROES?? ALL of the Goddesses out there who thrive and grow in power despite living in a patriarchal and largely misogynistic world! Also, the people who don't automatically believe everything they are taught. These people are heroic in their ability to think for themselves regardless of how those around them think, act or believe.
What mythical Celtic heroine are you?
You are Scathach, a warrior-princess from the Land of Shadows and the arms tutor and mentor to Ireland's greatest hero, Cuchulainn. You are tough and undeniably brave and you always stand up for yourself, but you can look after other people too.
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Which Irish Goddess Are You? (awesome pics)
You are Bebhinn, goddess of the underworld and daughter of its ruler. More specifically, the goddess of pleasure. You love to see others happy and enjoying themselves. According to myth, you are breathtakingly beautiful, with long golden hair. You yearn for equality but, at the same time, are neither ignorant nor self-absorbed. In addition to being very lovely, you are also very strong, independent, and sure of yourself. So much so that you got yourself killed when you refused a proposal. Your would-be husband (called "Hugh the Splendid) murdered you out of humiliation and resentment.
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