this is the film that attack and defend made when they came in on Beth's first BBC Introducing show.
and this is Radio Luxembourg who are playing the BBC Electric Proms
i'm currently a producer for radio 1 in wales, which is a ridiculously fine job. i've always loved a wide range of music and to be able to spend my working life swamped by the stuff is amazing.
my earliest memories of music are listening to my dad's jazz, gospel and (bizarrely) e.l.o. records. my own music tastes have veered from adam ant to woodie guthrie, early (very poor) breakdance records to christian metal, ambient to country, hip hop to 12 tone, indie to electro - and now my music collection has no discernible focus to it whatsoever (and very little organised order either).
i have a family and a black hole of a mortgage, both of which (one way or another) force me to get out of bed in the mornings. and just to be clear about this, anything posted on this 'ere myspace page will be my own shallow and fickle-minded personal views and not those of the BBC. (that's the legal disclaimer bit over). I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (