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Child of Peace, the LIGHT is here~~~LOVEfear

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When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you think of him you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in him you will find yourself or lose yourself. Whenever two Sons of God meet, they are given another chance at salvation. Do not leave anyone without giving salvation to him and receiving it yourself.

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A Course In Miracles Interview (1998) David Hoffmeister Part 1

Enjoy this video with Enlightened Teacher David Hoffmeister & Penelope Chatterton as they explore the meaning of forgiveness and the real world spoken of in A Course In Miracles. Filmed at a studio in Cape Cod, Mass. this lively discussion was actually more like a prayer in action that unfolded in a miraculous way. Penelope had been feeling sick and wanted to cancel the interview when David & Penelope's friend Vicki Pope told Penelope on the phone "when you meet David you will not be sick, so get showered and dressed and head to the studio. The excitement of their meeting is displayed in this video, and the glee and joy of their joining in Purpose is a very evident miracle that was "captured" on film (so to speak). Experience the delight and happiness of the miracle.CURRENT MOON moon info


The QuestThe quest for enlightenment is the quest for truth or reality. Its not a quest for ideas about truth that is philosophy. And it's not a quest to realize your fantasies about truth, that's fundamentalized religion. It's a quest for truth on truth's terms. It's a quest for the underlying principle of life, the unifying element of existence.In your quiet moments of honesty, you know that you are not who you present yourself as, or who you pretend to be. Although you have changed identities many times, and changed them even in the course of a single day, none of them fit for long. They are all in a process of constant decay. One moment you're a loving person, the next an angry one. One day you're an indulgent, worldly person; the next a pure, spiritual lover of God. One moment you love your image of yourself, and the next you loathe it. On it goes, identified with one self-image after another, each as separate and false as the last.When this game of delusion gets boring or painful enough, something within you begins to stir. Out of the unsatisfactoriness of separation arises the intuition that there is something more real than you are now conscious of. It is the intuition that there is truth, although you do not know what it is. But you know, you intuit that truth exists. Truth that has absolutely nothing to do with your ideas about it. But somehow you know that the truth about you and all of life exists.Once you receive this intuition, this revelation, you will be compelled to find it. You will have no choice in the matter. You will have consciously begun the authentic quest for enlightenment, and there is no turning back. Life as you've known it will never be quite the same.A great Zen master said, Do not seek the truth; simply cease cherishing illusions. If there is a primary practice or path to enlightenment, this is it to cease cherishing illusions. Seeking truth can be a game, complete with a new identity as a truth-seeker fueled by new ideas and beliefs. But ceasing to cherish illusions is no game; its a gritty and intimate form of deconstructing yourself down to nothing. Get rid of all of your illusions and what's left is the truth. You don't find truth as much as you stumble upon it when you have cast away your illusions.As the master said, Do not seek the truth. But you can't stop seeking just because some ancient Zen master said to. Seeking is an energy, a movement toward something. Spiritual seekers are moving toward God, nirvana, enlightenment, ultimate truth, whatever. To seek something, you must have at least some vague idea or image of what it is you are seeking. But ultimate truth is not an idea or an image or something attained anew. So, to seek truth as something objective is a waste of time and energy. Truth can't be found by seeking it, simply because truth is what you are. Seeking what you are is as silly as your shoes looking for their soles by walking in circles. What is the path that will lead your shoes to their soles? That's why the Zen master said, Do not seek the truth. Instead, cease cherishing illusions.To cease cherishing illusions is a way of inverting the energy of seeking. The energy of seeking will be there in one form or another until you wake up from the dream state. You can't just get rid of it. You need to learn how to invert it and use the energy to deconstruct the illusions that hold your consciousness in the dream state. This sounds relatively simple, but the consequences can seem quite disorienting, even threatening. I'm not talking about a new spiritual technique here; I'm talking about a radically different orientation to the whole of your spiritual life. This is not a little thing. It is a very big thing, and your best chance of awakening depends on it. Do not seek the truth; simply cease cherishing illusions. And if you're like most spiritually oriented people, your spirituality is your most cherished illusion. - Imagine that.~Adyashanti


Eckart Tolle
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Frater J
JK Rowling



My Blog

Question from Devorah to Asa

Unity and the reconciliation of the Relative and the Absolute Q: What is the Truth about Unity?A: The direct answer is given that, the Truth of Unity is Love. Love is The Law of Unity. Love under ONE...
Posted by OneLOVE on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 06:11:00 PST


Everything is Awakenessincluding all the shit ...
Posted by OneLOVE on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 06:27:00 PST

Adyashanti ~ Silent Retreat

  Not then Now   As I sit in meditation Awareness flutters to the memory of my Silent Retreat Container experience with Adya and staff and attendees this past week at Mt Madonna. Now thou...
Posted by OneLOVE on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 10:50:00 PST

Poetry Singing Itself In Healing Again

  Turning within Allowing OneSelf Known Bringing to heal All thoughts, ideas, beliefs, dethroned   Waiting in the stillness Feeling All around No words describe no sensation One with truth b...
Posted by OneLOVE on Wed, 16 May 2007 09:01:00 PST

Language, Thought and Spiritual Teachings

Please feel free to share and repost ~There are many spiritual teachings, from various esoteric and exoteric systems of religion and spiritual practice, each offering helpful insights and pointers in ...
Posted by OneLOVE on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 06:30:00 PST

Holy Relationship ~ Poetry Singing Itself

Holy Relationship Is the opportunity To look in the mirror So closely that you jump And smile When you notice There is nobody else there And there never has been Or will be Other than Spirit Who on...
Posted by OneLOVE on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 05:07:00 PST

No Thought

No judgement, mere idea or thought Will dwell with The Infinite only One The Palace of Wholeness Can not be where obstacles are still perceived   Without compromise behold whatever Symbols that a...
Posted by OneLOVE on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 04:21:00 PST

Somewhere Else

Somewhere Else  Challenging the fear to Live Where chaos seems to reign Yet, no longer choosing death Not immersed in just a dream Loneliness examined In the fear of joining Now Sensing free...
Posted by OneLOVE on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 02:20:00 PST

One Self ~ Inspired by A Course In Miracles

You are one Self,complete and healed and whole,with power to lift the veil of darkness from the world.You are only Love, but when you deny this,you make what you are ~ something you must learn to reme...
Posted by OneLOVE on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 09:50:00 PST

~ On Friendship ~

On Friendship Kahlil Gibran Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you come to him with yo...
Posted by OneLOVE on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 08:20:00 PST