Life, the universe, everything.
My Bloody Valentine, The Beatles, The Velvet Underground, Nick Cave, Pixies, Sonic Youth, The Fall, Joy Division, New Order, The Smiths, Arcade Fire, Lots and lots and lots more...
Wings of Desire, Manhattan, Fargo, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Some Like it Hot, The Big Lebowski, This is Spinal Tap, Goldfinger, Star Wars Episode IV and V.
Match of the Day
'The Heart is a Lonely Hunter' - Carson McCullers 'Wuthering Heights' - Emily Bronte 'Ulysees' - James Joyce '1984' - George Orwell 'The Outsider' and 'The Fall'- Albert Camus 'Leviathan' and 'New York Triology' - Paul Auster 'London Fields' - Martin Amis
All My Heroes Are Weirdos