Playing ma Bass, smoking hash, playing Freelancer, Riding ma bike(which is broke again), just about anything to do with Anime(except hentai that's just wrong)
Victor Wooten, Les Claypool, Nathan Hughes, Steve Bailey, Danny Carey, Jenna Haze, Krystal Steal, Kylie Rachelle, Sonia Red, Vanessa Lane, Trey Park and Matt Stone, Nathan Fillion, Joss Whedon, Summer Glau and anyone else whoose a good bassest, pornstar or in firefly
Primus, Tool, Graham Central Station, Victor Wooten, Steve Bailey, Mudvayne, System of a Down, Strapping Young Lad, Fear Factory, Arch Enemy, Smashing Pumpkins... actually I can't be bothered adding any more if it's really that important to know what type of music I'm into ask me.
Serenity, Donnie Darko, The Matrix, Saw(keep away from saw2 and 3 it will only ruin the series for you), The Fugitive, The Lost Boys, Evil Dead 1,2 & 3, Terminator 2, Battle Royal, Akira , American Beauty, Forest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Underworld, Blade, Nightmare Before Christmas, Fear and Loathing in las Vegas, Pirates of the Caribbean and as I've said before if it matters that much ask me.
Firefly Browncoats forever!!!! Why oh Why do fox always cancel their best shows, they cancelled Family Guy like four times and now Firefly.... those bastards!
Don't read many books I have to say the last book I read was the picture of Dorian Gray(which was great by the way)
I have no heros people with heros don't believe in themselves enough