laughter, music, photography, hanging out with friends, great conversations over coffee, great conversations with strangers, walking, reading (when I sit still for a chunk of time), writing, people watching, periodic solitude, Christmas, food, IKEA, sunsets, sunrises, moonlit nights, summer rains, traveling, learning, good challenges, and just stuff.
Your Christmas is Most Like: A Charlie Brown Christmas
Each year, you really get into the spirit of Christmas.
Which is much more important to you than nifty presents.
What Movie Is Your Christmas Most Like?I like to roam:
I just returned from Costa Rica (more pictures added 5/25/07):
Cool people with heart and soul. If you lack integrity, don't waste my time.
Yes, please.
Yeah, I watch them...dvd, vhs, film, big screen, small screen, rental, loaner, pay, free.
If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?
The Movie Of Your Life Is An Indie Flick
You do things your own way - and it's made for colorful times. Your life hasn't turned out how anyone expected, thank goodness!
Your best movie matches: Clerks, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite
A big 10 inch.
I love children's picture books! My favorites are "The Man Who Lit the Stars" (by Claude Clement, illustrated by John Howe) and "The Fisherman's Tale" (by Emily Whittle, pictures by Jeri Burdick)
"As you get older, it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary." ~ Ernest Hemingway
I guess that means I'm a sorry case.
What Color Purple Are You?
You Are Grape
You are bold and a true individual. You are very different and very okay with that.
People know you as a straight shooter. You're very honest, even when the truth hurts.
You are also very grounded and practical. No one is going to sneak anything by you.
People enjoy your fresh approach to life. And it's this honesty that makes you a very innovative person.
What Kind of Wine Are You?
You Are Chardonnay
Fresh, spirited, and classic - you have many facets to your personality.
You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex.
You have a little bit of something to offer everyone... no wonder you're so popular.
Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!).
Deep down you are: Dependable and modest
Your partying style: Understated and polite
Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat