Known 2 walk alone but im alone 4 a reason profile picture

Known 2 walk alone but im alone 4 a reason

Let me come inside 2 see if ur invincible

About Me

Wassup imma make this short im not gonna tell u what i look like becuz there are plenty of pixs for u 2 see for urself...Plz read my pg b4 writing me messages cuz i cant stand when ppl ask me ?'s like "what do i like 2 do?" and it's rite here on my pg...(Me as a person) im goofy as hell, can get real serious real quick, no what i want out of life, motivated, smart, i am a smart ass im not gonna fake, i'm very romantic i find that most times alot of females arent ready for me an what i have to offer, i dont have time for the bull shyt im blunt when i wanna be and theres more but u have to get to no me 2 see the rest.
First Name: Ashia
Middle Name: J.
Birthday: May 08th
Eyes: dark brown
Hair: Dreadz
Fav color: green
Day/Night: the freaks come out @ night
Fave Food: everything
Do you ever wish you had another name? Sum times
Do you like anyone? maybe
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? none
Who's the loudest? Aukia
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Aukia
Who's the shyest: alicia
Are you close to any family members? mark....and my bro
When you cried the most: when my friend TT died
What's the best feeling in the world: an orgasm
Worst Feeling: love
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: the rain
Let's look at the: sky
What a nice: view
Where did all the: food go!!!
Why can't you: B like me?
Silly, little: beaaach
Tell me: a secret
Ran away from home: not yet
Pictured your crush naked: done more than that
Skipped school: yea
Broken someone's heart: hate to say it..yes
Been in love: still am
Cried when someone died: yea
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: not recently
Done something embarrassing: too many
Done a drug: once or twice in my day
Cried in school: nope
Your Good Luck Charm: Myself
Person You Hate Most: im not gonna say no names...
Best Thing That Has Happened: I wake up everyday
Ice Cream: cookie dough
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Jade'
Makes you smile: alicia
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: maybe
Fallen for your best friend?: once
Made out with JUST a friend?: yea
Kissed two people in the same day?: yea
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: dont think so
Been rejected: . never
Been in love?: too many times
Been used?: every1 gets used
Done something you regret?: too many
Cheated on someone?: yea
Been called a tease: once
You touched?: T*****
You talked to on the phone?: my mom
You hugged?: T****
You instant messaged?: dont rememebr
You kissed?: T*****
You yelled at?: Breeanne
Who text messaged you?: my mom
Who told you they loved you?: alysia
Number of things in my Past I Regret: a few

My Interests

I'm down for tryin almost anything once cuz life is to short to be in a box..But ima athlete first out of everything i love soccer so i play that most of the time.

I'd like to meet:

Im interested in meet sum new ppl im lookin for the older crowd that 20 - up cuz young gurls these days (sum of the old ones too) cant apreciate certain stuff, sum one whos doin sumthing with there life, and dependable, i want sum one whos honest about everything n dont bull shyt on lil stuff.


Imma real Go-Go head i dont really listen to rap like that cuz it's gone down hill.But i like alot of R&B and rock music


Anything that'll keep my attention for 2hrs.


I watch sum stuff but i dont really watch t.v. like that soo..whatever's on


i dont really read like that but thats not the point the point is I READ...Sike naw i read alot


Cool Slideshows

My Blog

Standing still

I dont no why but it feels like for sum reason im standing still like my life isnt moving at all. I dont no why but i keep waiting for sumthing to happen but unfourtenitley nothing ever does..I'm read...
Posted by I turn virgins into sex feins!! on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 09:46:00 PST

Is it Tru what they say??

You no how people say if you love sumthing then you'll let it go? I've been thinking bout that and tryna to figure out if it's really tru. It makes sence but is it really what i wanna do? It isn't but...
Posted by I turn virgins into sex feins!! on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 11:48:00 PST


STUD AND FEM FACTS Real Stud Facts: When a stud calls u She wants to be with you When a stud is quiet, She's listening to you... When a stud is not arguing, She realizes she's wrong When a stud says,...
Posted by I turn virgins into sex feins!! on Tue, 09 May 2006 04:01:00 PST

Secret Crushes

HAve you ever had a secret crush on sum1 when u no they have a girl but they still flirt with you anyway? That type of shyt can F a persons head up. What if you really care about this person and no th...
Posted by I turn virgins into sex feins!! on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 03:55:00 PST