I Aint Go++@ 3xpl@!n Wu+z @lr3@dy Und@$+ood ;) profile picture

I Aint Go++@ 3xpl@!n Wu+z @lr3@dy Und@$+ood ;)

It Is What It is....i B3t I Got U wond3rn' Bout M3, Ask Bout M3 Th3y'll t3ll U how T!ff! B% getz dow

About Me

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Layouts at HotFreeLayouts.comFoR tHOse DaT Know mE IMMa REAL down-2-earth gurl whose Been through so many things those that brought pleasure & those that brought pain AND still aint Neva Switch up!But then there's a time where u no longer have a choice b* cuz when u have been called to do great things 4 GOD,u have to change for him, Sumtimes...It's juss down right uncomfortable from time 2 time,but in those tough times I want u 2 know that every step of the rightousness is ORDERED BY GOD.Though u may not know his mind he will reveal it to u in time! I guess datz why when I would fall, I got back up & stood on my FEET like a WOMAN prepared 2 take wuteva'z com'n 4 Me!Remeber he know's EvVERYTHING u been going through & U just might have 2 cry sometimes:)This Layout Was Made By:Get Your Own! | View SlideshowMyspace Layout Generator-Layoutgen.com

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I have a butterfly tattoo that said never switch up a meaning that was so true, I have changed the meaning.Since a butterfly represents Change to something beautiful & so much more.The new meaning is " A beautiful change for GOD" And the" Never Switch Up" meaning is "Will never end". So all together the new meaning of my tattoo is 'A beautiful change for GOD that will never end'

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One person that I would like to meet would be T.I. Take the quiz:
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I listen to all types of music.

Psalms 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;your works are wonderful.I know that full well.


The movies I enjoy watching the most are "Two can Play that game" , : The Sweetest Thing", "Four Brothers".
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I live by this saying , thats why when someone asks me is there anything I regret in my past? The answer is always no because I cant go back and everything that happens for a reason most of the time to teach a lesson.


I like to sit back and watch lifetime movies w/ my mom and cops wit my boo(Jr.) Earn Money! Get paid to take surveys!


FRiENDS~*~ by xoxoincompletexoxo
WHO'S YOUR BESt FRiEND AS A GURl?: i have 2 ( Jessy & Gabbie)
WHO'S YOUR BESt FRiEND AS A BOY?: i have 2 ( J.R. & Josh)
WHO'S THE CRAZiiESt ONE?: We All Got it N us
lOUDESt ?:
TAlKAtiVE?: Jameace
HAWtESt ?: wE all R
POPUlAR ?: Popular? none WE R WELL KNOWN:)
tRUStWORtHY ?: i realli cant say!
SWEEtESt ?: Carrie
SPOilED ?: We all GET wut we WUNT!
FUNiESt ?: Aukia
FliRtS tHE MOSt?: Jessy
PREttiESt ?: all of us
BEttER EYES?: Jessy
BESt HAiR ?: Tiffany
StRONGESt ?: Toya
SMARtESt?: Crystal
AtHlEtiC?: none
WHO WOUlD U Kill 4?: All of em ~ ive been through alot w/ all of em!
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Pimp My Profile True friends are the people who are there for you unconditionally. They are the people who never question you and support you no matter what the circumstances are. They are the people worth living for.
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If you have one true friend, you have more than your share.


GOD,my Mom , my Dad, my Sisters, ( They have been through everything with me!Especially GOD because at times I thought I wouldnt make it he stuck by me in my dark times.
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My Blog

i'll always remeber you

Remember me with all your love And with pain or with sorrow Though I'm not with you, I feel your love Yesterday, today and tomorrow. It was special to be your child For the short time I was there Cher...
Posted by !m 2 tRuE 2 dA GaMe, ! CANT SliP on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:42:00 PST

Girlz vs. Grown Women

Girls leave their schedule wide-open and wait for a guy to call and make plans.Grown women make their own plans and nicely tell the guy to get in where he fits in.Girls play house with Grown women's t...
Posted by !m 2 tRuE 2 dA GaMe, ! CANT SliP on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 07:41:00 PST