What it do homies? My name is Joseph Rivera Jr. but everybody calls me Joe. I'm 18 years old and I am in the United States Navy. I joined Aug. 23rd and I'm really having a great time. I'm in Pensacola, Fl. for my "A" school which means I have to be away from my family. It gets hard sometimes but I know they are always behind me whenever and wherever. Without them i would definatly be lost. E-Mail= [email protected]
Well lets go beyond the surface a little bit here:
First of all my friends and family mean the world to me. Without them I would be lost with no return. They are the glue that keeps me together and I will never forget them. What they have done for me I am grateful beyond words.
My mom is a very special woman. I know mostly everyone thinks that about there mother but she truly is. She is my strength when I am weak. She is the one I know I can always turn to when I am in a bind and she will always be there. Always.
My dad, he may be a hard ass, but he is my hard ass father and I love him for it. He is the one who has showed me right from wrong. He not only will tell me what I am doing wrong, but he will give me the tools necessary to correct my mistake. It may seem like he is being to hard on my sisters and me but he only is like that because he loves us and he wants us to be in the best environment to succeed as possible.
Tiffany, my older sister, she has always been there to make sure I am okay. She is wild, crazy, and off the wall. But thats not such a bad thing because I wouldn't have it any other way. She tries to always look after me but I didn't always make it easy for her. She would try to stop me from getting in trouble but I seemed to get in trouble anyway. I now realize all she has done for me and I thank her.
Chelsie, my little sister, what can I say about her. She is the one who always tries to do whatever she wants and won't listen to the advice anyone tries to give her. Its okay though because everytime, she does it anyway, she gets in trouble, and all I can say is I told you so. But its her way of finding things out and that is how I learned, so she will figure out one day what I'm trying to do. I will always have my eye on her, just in case.
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