People who can introduce me to great new Music! by the way-check out DeadWood! they kick some serious ear!
Porcupine Tree, Sting, DeadWood, Red Hot Chillies,A Perfect Circle, Rage ATM, Dream Theater (before they went bad), Audioslave, Dredg, Atomship, 30 Secs to Mars, Chemical Brothers, Faithless, Infected Mushroom, The FishSnake(dagnachash) Batatakara and many more...
Fight Club, The Clockwork Orange, Devil's Advocate, the 1st Matrix, The Nightmare Before X-Mass, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Wayne's World 1&2, and all Kevin Smith's movies (well, let's pretend Jersey Girl didn't happen), Green Mile, Gangs of New-York.
American Dad, Southpark, Ha Rezua, Nip/Tuck.
Fight Club (yes it's the book be4 the movie), It, DaVinci Code, Master and Margarita, The Complete Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe.
Batman. definetly Batman!