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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
CURSORCONTACT BOXWell it is pretty hard to include all my interests under "general". I'll try but it won't be even a half. Well first of all my believes. 1 part more spiritual one as I discovered have some parts from chaos magic and satanism, but still very different and unique. I also have a great interest in other religions, believs but only observing them, learning, understanding. I like also tarot and things alike, i'm very good at them. 2 part is more scientific, but still have a naive faith part in it. The short description of it is now in my blog, it used to be my previos "general". Then comes my interest of traveling. Many would say as me "I want to travel the world" , not many will achieve it. I doubt i will. But I really hope. I even seriosly consider traveling by hitch-hiking. The problem is that i'm not the ussual tipe of person who will do it. I like other countries, cultures. Especially I like Japan. This is the first on my list of places that I just must see. And I want to learn the language too. But I never will be able to live there. The place for living that I think suits me the best is Canada. Once I hope I will move there. I like fantazy genre. In movies, drawings, especcialy books, for I am a writer and this is my genre. I like cold weapons, and martial arts, wrestling, any kind of fighting accualy. Don't like team sports very much unless ice hockey. I love food. Meat. I'm addicted to it. I like beer. No matter what beer. And i didn't tryed many kinds, but from those I did I liked Faxe and Guiness. I dislike animals, but I think cats are cute, and I love snakes. I have a weird Phobia, of spider webs. It can make me be paralized from fear. I like online quizzes. Chating. Evenings. Clubs. Shows.Cold rivers. Head banging. Good music. Nice people. Freedom. Lot and lot of things. Not even a half it was...6% maybe...
Like I said I can't just define who i want to meet..but if i have too....Well you better be intelegent, not boring , spiritual, cute...tall..blonde..lond hair..(yeah just add Harley and Finnish/Norway heritage and a nice begining of science fiction story..heh) Now seriosly. I like different qualities in people, sence of humor, brains, looks, I like them to be unussual. I have a weakness for miserable people. Even when someone pretend to be one, even as a joke, it's still touch my heart and I feel that pain even if the person doesn't. I hate egoists, people that concentrate only on themselfs, people that don't mind deeper things...But even those can be fun from time to time. I hate girls. Really hate. they are such a nasty creatures...well so do I of cource. So there is a very and very few girls I might talk to. And i have a weakness for blonde , long haired buffs....well who don't heh...And tall men...really tall...In terms of sky is the limit..I just love people that have to deal with anything spiritual, it might be not my beliefe, but as i noticed it all connected and I can learn from anything. Anyway, everyone is special, so try me, I'll decide.
Whoa. Way too many. And I won't be like those whose list of favorite bands is bigger than their whole profile. And my list might be not that big and I don't mind. I like power and heavy metal. Thats all you should know. And I like other stuff too but this is optional. I mean I like to met people who share my taste in my 2 major favorite genres. All the rest is just for myself. Well few of my favorites: Aria, Manowar, Annihilator, Overkill, Korol-i-shut, Shaaman, Nightwish, Blind Guardian, Stratovarius, Samael, Alice Cooper, Meatloaf, AC/DC , Twisted Sister, Sonata Arctica, Tarot, Epidemia Lordi, Primal Fear, Dark Moor, Dreamaker, Iron fire, Elvenking, Wolf, In extremo, Severnye Vrata. And lately I started to really like Industrial, so there is Agonoize, Die Krupps, Cephalgy, Tactical sect, Blutengel.
There is too much. But How to make a monster, LOTR, Mortal Kombat, Battlefield:Earth, BraveHeart, X-men, Batman:begins are few of the greatest I ever saw.
Don't watch it anymore. Now I just download anime serias I like (Yakitate Japan and Ecxel Saga and Rizelmine are the best) And movies , and watch them on the comp.
LOTR. Silmarilion. Chrostopher Moor, Alan Dean Foster and much much more.
Sabretooth, Sesshoumaru, Reptile, Scorpion, Sub-zero, Gollum.SURVEY..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Inside Your Mind. 184 unique Q's.
Inside Your Mind.
What do you like about yourself?: My spirit, how it can deal with absolutely everything, my appearance sometimes, my style.
What do you dislike about yourself?: My floats, my weaknesses, imperfections.
Do you have any special talents?: I have a great imagination, know how to write well, can sense people and more weird shit I can't yet control.
What are some of your hobbies?: Photography, mystics, talking, analize people and things, music, nature, traveling, writing.
Do you accept your anger?: Yes. It can be helpfull.
Do you accept your sadness?: Accepting sadness=fall into depression. When I'm sad I try to fight it but it's really hard.
Do you accept your worry?: Never. When I know something bad about to happen anyway I relax and do not think about it. Best way to deal with it.
Do you accept your confusion?: In the time that I confused I really can't say
Do you accept your anxiety?: Yeah.
Do you accept your fear?: I did before. Now I understood I must fight it.
What is difficult for you?: Stop being lazy get up and start my own improvement.
About You.
Favorite color?: Blue/silver. I like black and red also.
Favorite song?: Many. Song that describe me right now is Dreamweaver by Stratovarius
Favorite band?: Old Aria
Favorite movie?: How to make a monster. This movie is really deep and also cute in the way I consider cute. Must see
Favorite teacher (past or present)?: I quess it was Alexandra. English teacher from 7'th grade. She was really nice
Favorite book?: There is 3. The one the only LOTR. Practical Demonkeeping and Spellsinger. Absolute cure from depression.
Favorite thing to do?: Relax in nature with calm music and a sigarette while looking on the sky and feel the wind...Call it meditation if you like.
Second favorite thing to do?: Dance whole night! Or be with a person like a good friend or a partner.
Favorite website?: Long live :)
Do you like your looks?: Sometimes
Do you like your body?: Not really
Describe yourself.
Length of hair?: Long
Color of hair?: Dyed red, naturally blonde, turned to weird undescridable color
Color of eyes?: Grey. Lately they turning to green :(
Height?: 1.66
Are you athletic?: No
Are you healthy?: Not really
What emotion do you hide?: I hide it when I need someone. Afraid of it, think it's a weakness.
Do you think you’re smart?: Yes. But I can be dumb sometimes.
Are you religious?: Spiritual
What is your religion?: My own. Lately I discovered it is very alike Satanism. Modern one. But it is still my own and unique one.
Do you believe in “God�: No. And if is then i have nothing to do with him.
What do you want to “be†when you “grow up�: Writer.
Do you get along well with people?: No
Are you fun?: Can be.
What makes a “good person†just that?: Understanding
How would others describe you?: Weird
How would you describe a “true friend�: Understanding. Caring. Protective. Fun.
Who is your best friend?: Nadia and Sergey
How did you meet?: Nadia I met 7 years ago, my friend Julia introduced me to her. Sergey I met recently. From myspace ^ ^
Ever meet anyone who was just like you?: Sergey :)
How do your friends help you to be more yourself?: By understanding me and accepting me
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: No
If so, describe him or her.: ...
What qualities do you look for in a significant other?: To understand me, protect me and be able to sacrafice.
Ever crush on someone who only liked you as a friend?: Yes
Ever have someone crush on you and you only liked them as a friend?: Yes
In a relationship…
What makes you jealous?: EVERYTHING!
What makes you angry?: Be missunderstood. When they don't listen to me. When they being selfish.
What makes you happy?: When I see they are happy with me, and feel that I'm special. When they show that they need me.
What hurts your feelings?: Selfishness.
What makes you love them more?: Protection.
What have you learned about love?: That everything can turn around in seconds. That real love energize you and never take you down. That love come and go and there is always a new chanse. Love is a rare thing
Describe your first relationship.: It was lame and stupid. As most of them
What benefits come from being single?: You are free to do whatever you want. You not afraid of being hurt.
What benefits come from being with someone?: You always have someone by your side.
What siblings do you have?: None
Are you a first, last, middle or only child?: Only
If you could change this, how would it be different?: Sometimes I wish I had lil brother or sister.
Do you get along with your siblings?: ...
What do you like best about your brother(s)?: ...
What do you like best about your sister(s)?: ...
What do you like best about being an only child?: No need to share, ptivacy, all the parents love.
Have you ever been embarrassed by family?: Few times
Do/did your parent(s) try to make you think like them?: Sometimes :(
Tough shit.
What difficult experiences have you been through?: Being mentally and phyzicaly abused. I had more tough shit in my life but nothing affected me as this. It left scars that still painfull and make my life a pure hell. Weakness
Has anyone close to you died?: Yes. Grandfather. And people I knew died from drugs. Thats why I so against them.
How did you find out?: Random
Did you get to say good-bye?: No :(
Have you known anyone your age die?: Yes. Those from drugs..
Have you ever been really sick?: No but I had traumas I coulded die from.
Has anyone close to you ever been really sick?: Yes
Do you have a drug problem?: No
Do you have a drinking problem?: No
Are your parents divorced?: Yes
Are/were your parents fighting constantly?: Yeah...
Do you let yourself feel emotional pain or make it go away?: I try to fight it but sometimes It just stronger than me.
Do you believe pain makes us grow?: Yes
How do you feel when you see a homeless person?: Depends. If I see he/she is really miserable and can't work i feel pity , a bit of a bitter feeling.
Have you ever witnessed extreme suffering?: Yeah....
Do you ever wonder why there is so much suffering?: Yes. I did once a lot, now I thing I became more of an apath to phyzical suffering and mental of some kind.
What kinds of things cause you pain?: Mental. Abusement. Betrayl. Lie. Selfishness
What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?: Went to study in Melton.
Have you ever thought about suicide?: I know I wil never do it but I feel no will to live most of the time. Death is a thing I wait for.
What advice would you give to someone who is suicidal?: Life is shit but it can make your soul become stronger and develop. You are here for some purpose. Try to find it.
Learning lessons.
Do you think people learn from their mistakes?: Sometimes.
Do you think people can learn the “easy way�: Depends.
Have you ever learned the “easy way�: I quess
Have you ever learned the “hard way�: All the time
What is the most difficult lesson you’ve learned?: One must fight his weaknesses. And i still learning...
Do you believe things happen for a reason?: Some of them yes.
Have you learned that nobody is perfect?: Yes
What imperfections about yourself do you accept?: I don't accept none of them. Maybe those that look like imperfections to others, but not to me.
Do you try to look at both sides of a situation?: Yes, but mostly I beeing blindfolded by my emotions(another weakness,,,,)
Follow your dreams.
“Follow your bliss.â€: Yea!!!
What does this quote mean to you?: To reach this state of mind when I feel myself the best
What is your bliss?: My peace...The thing i need and want to acheieve. My life accualy.
Do you have a dream?: I am a DREAMER, so what do you think? ;)
What is your number-one goal?: Beat all my weaknesses, reach my oun perfection.
“Do what you love and the money will follow." True?: Yes
If your dream was guaranteed to happen, what would it be?: Become a writer...inventor of worlds, change lifes with my books
Would you answer differently if the guarantee wasn’t there?: No
Do you believe in yourself?: Yes
Growing up.
How old are you?: 18
How old do you feel?: I don't
What do you think is the perfect age?: This one
How old do you think people should be before they…
Get a job:: 16
Cook for themselves:: 7
Set their own bedtimes:: 5
Go away with their friends:: 6
Do their own laundry:: 12
Have a boyfriend or girlfriend:: 13
Date:: 13
Kiss:: 13
Stay out past midnight:: 13
Stay out as late as they want:: 16
Have their own phone:: 7
Drive:: 16
Travel alone:: 16
Drink:: 16
Go to clubs:: 16
Get married:: 18
Have children:: 18
Vote:: 18
Go out by themselves:: 7
At what age do you think a person is mature?: Depends on the person
Do you think maturity is a good thing?: Not really
Do you think all adults are mature?: No
Do you think a difficult life makes a person grow up faster?: Yes
What IS “grown up�: State of mind
Are/were you scared or excited about growing up?: Yes. I want to be a child in my soul forever
Do you think of yourself as grown up?: No
Do you want to be considered grown up?: Yes. In some aspects.
What do you think is the secret to happiness?: Each have their own. For me is to be understood, and change fates.
What kind of toothpaste do you use?: Parents buy aquafresh, but I prefer Herbal Cress, and Colgate Simply White.
Do you always brush your teeth before visiting a dentist?: Yes
How many cavities do/did you have?: 3 or somethin...
Ever wear braces or a retainer?: No
How often do you shower?: 2 times a day.
Do you prefer any shampoo brand?: Dove. Herbal Essenses.
What is the weirdest band name you know of?: Have no idea
What are your favorite dog breeds?: Uh?
Who was your childhood best friend?: Maria. Nice girl from the neighborhood
Are you still friends with them today?: No :(...I lost connections with all my friends when we moved to Israhell
How many computers are in your home?: 2
Do you write with your left or right hand?: Right
Do you take any vitamins?: No. But i need Iron.
How many doors are in your home?: Uh? 7
How many windows are there?: 5 or 6
Do you have a collection of change somewhere?: No
Would you go to jail for a good cause?: Don't know
Do you own a bookshelf?: No
Are there any objects hanging from your room ceiling?: Yea
Are you okay with getting your blood drawn?: Yes. But not to much..anemia you know..not a nice thing..
How about getting shots?: It's ok I quess..
Do you like getting your picture taken?: Yes
Abortion?: It's a murder. But neccecary sometimes.
Birth control pill?: Bless da pill!
Casual sex?: Nah...I'm a bit conservative for it.
Illegal immigration?: W/e
Death sentence?: Only in extreme cases.
Afterlife?: Hope and believe better than this one.
Ghosts?: Nah
Legalizing marijuana?: NEVER!
Gun control?: Needed, but don't help much.
Pornography?: W/e, and when it's well done its an art so it's ok.
UFO conspiracy?: W/e
Natural VS. Artificial medicine?: Both
War in Middle East?: I am at the middle east...All this is so stupid and should be stopped.
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