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Gina Snuff

seeking guitarist urgent very....

About Me

Gina Snuff is a versatile shape-shifting rock band. Their debut album was created, much like the band itself, from the ruines of front man Aviv Cohen the second's earlier band .. "Babe". A few of the titles from that album were originally destined to be on the second "babe" album. The first two gigs were held in the summer of 2002, two days after the second gig, Aviv Cohen left for New York to study drums at the Drummers Collective School.Upon his return in 2003 he quickly set out to regroup Gina with co founder Rotem Florentin. While recording at the "Anana" studios, Jerusalemian bass player Shy Sa'adia joined in, and after a bunch of drummers, the group was complete with Yoni Sheleg on drums. The album was finaly out in stores in the summer of 2006, distributed by "Hed Artsi".Gina's debut album is comprised of 12 songs, embracing the vast musical range, the band so fondly hugs with both hands. From "Mehakim lakaits" (waiting for summer) and "im yad al ha lev" (cross you heart)on the warm and acoustic side, Through "met gadol bashamaim" (big dead in the sky) and "halayla" (tonight) on the punk rock side, "kol hazman" ( all the time) and " mi yagid mashehu" (who'll say what..) for the soft rock/pop lovers and finally, "achziv.." the progressive bastard child.Gina is currently touring Israel playing where ever there's an open ear and working on their second album...

My Interests


Member Since: 1/18/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Aviv Cohen The II Rotem Florentin Dan Eckert Asaf Dagan
Record Label: ANANA
Type of Label: Indie