Reiki!! Live Music!! Eternally searching for the good in life. My interests are broad reaching, in their small scope of influence. My biggest passion, as you may have read before, is music. I love listening to it, playing it on my guitars and harmonicas, thinking about it, and virtually anything else you can do with music. I am what you would call a music advocate, whereby I love to introduce new people to things that they haven't heard before. Bluegrass, Funk, Reggae, Jambands, Acoustic Music, Celtic, and Singer Songwriters all move my soul and bring me happiness. I have a passion for the outdoors, and love to make it out into our beautiful woods as often as I can for a short hike to any number of waterfalls. Another interest I have is in crafting. I make dreamcatchers, necklaces and other jewelry, copper sculptures, and I've dabbled in glass working as well. I love to dance, and try to see music that will move me whenever I can.
I'm looking to reconnect with old friends I haven't talked to in a while, new friends with similar interests, and anyone in between. I'd also like to meet Neil Young, John Bell, Sade, Bill Gates, The Dali Lama, and Maya Angelou.
Tis forTender
His forHonest
Ois forOutrageous
Mis forMushy
Ais forAlluring
Sis forSwanky
What Does Your Name Mean?
You Are Kermit
Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies!
The Muppet Personality Test
Widespread Panic, Acoustic Syndicate, Larry Keel and Natural Bridge, The Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia Band, Talking Heads, Galactic, Karl Denson's Tiny Universe, The Funky Meters, P-Funk, Burning Spear, Dire Straits, Merl Saunders, Sade, Bruce Hornsby, Bonnie Raitt, Indigo Girls, John Prine, J.J. Cale, Willy Nelson, Neil Young, Otis Reading, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, The New Orleans Social Club.
The Earth Will Swallow You, What the Bleep..., The Princess Bride, Fletch, The Blues Brothers, Matrix, and anything else with mind-blowing special effects.
The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, Mad TV, 24, CSI, and generally anything else that will make me laugh histerically!
I love the Celestine Prophecy books, Johnathon Livinston Seagull, Sidhartha, personal development books, Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code, anything with a little bit of mystery and a little basis in fact.
Mahatma Gandhi, Michael Houser, Larry Keel, anyone working towards universal peace