The following is but a mere sample of my true complexity, but these are persons both fictional and real who have inspired me the most and made me the deranged female I am today and every day:Mae West, The Marchesa Cassatti, Edward Gorey, Bruce Wayne, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rasputin, Queen Elizabeth I, James Bond, Gypsy Rose Lee, Christian Dior, Quentin Tarrantino, Patricia Morrison-Vanian, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ed Wood, Cora Pearl, Pushkin, Oscar Wild, Willy Wonka, Mata Hari, Amy Johnson, The Gibson Girl, Charles Addams, Imogene Sprocket, Lord Byron, Mame Dennis, Gloria Swanson, Selina Kyle, Geoff Duke and Wallace Simpson Duchess of Windsor.
Heartless ton-up deardevils and pirates, vindictive man-eaters (who set examples for the rest of us), any man with a good car who does not need to be justified and any alternative-idependent-unconventional-nonconformists. Gawd bless ya!
Beethoven, Big Band, Bossa and Bacharach. That nice Mr Alice Cooper would aprove I'm sure.
Anything in black and white. But I do have a strange adversion to most films made in the 1970's
So many channels, so little on. My attention span just isn't long enough.
I enjoy reading biographies the most as the truth can be much stranger than fiction. Also I believe that there is much you can learn from others experiences, good and bad, mistakes and triumphs.
See interests...