art art art art its my love also music gigs singin dancingand i really like filmsAND I ESPECIALLY LIKE BOYS!! i think tht they are lovely especially ones that like me!
nice people who can smile! smiling is under rated people shoud do it more err banksy, andy warhol,david salle, bill baily oo and vince "the sex" noir!! err eddie izzard like to meet the queen but not in a official way in a cup of tea and cakes way in facrt meeting anyone for tea and cakes is awesome.
all sorts lame answer btu i really do like all sorts i suprise people
breakfast at tiffany's some like it hot perfect blue lots of others tooi'll proper love you if you can guess where this qoute is from its one of the best films ever "who was he then" "god sent him" "on a fucking suzuki!?"
neighbours, hollyoaks and a good film i love diagnosis murder
melencholy death of oyster boy, louise rennison books and spiderman comics
Audrey Hepburn Marilyn Monroe Martin Luther King My Nan and my friends