Pink Hanna profile picture

Pink Hanna

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

err i am hanna i like pink things, blue drinks, green drinks, red drinks any drinks. i am an art student yes i like modern art yes i like conceptual art i am not going to argue about a urinal each to thier own but what i do is not a waste of time. i am quite silly. my face tells people things before the words come out of my mouth but if i scowle dont take offence more than likley i'm trying to remember if i had my strighteners on.i cant spell very well but i like it when words are phonetic there much easier i think everything should be phonetic.

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My Interests

art art art art its my love also music gigs singin dancingand i really like filmsAND I ESPECIALLY LIKE BOYS!! i think tht they are lovely especially ones that like me!

I'd like to meet:

nice people who can smile! smiling is under rated people shoud do it more err banksy, andy warhol,david salle, bill baily oo and vince "the sex" noir!! err eddie izzard like to meet the queen but not in a official way in a cup of tea and cakes way in facrt meeting anyone for tea and cakes is awesome.


all sorts lame answer btu i really do like all sorts i suprise people


breakfast at tiffany's some like it hot perfect blue lots of others tooi'll proper love you if you can guess where this qoute is from its one of the best films ever "who was he then" "god sent him" "on a fucking suzuki!?"


neighbours, hollyoaks and a good film i love diagnosis murder


melencholy death of oyster boy, louise rennison books and spiderman comics


Audrey Hepburn Marilyn Monroe Martin Luther King My Nan and my friends

My Blog

its been a while

what have i been up too well i found out i have the best friends ever i went to glastonbury which was the highlight of my year i especially liked eating my hat as my best girl elyse whome i called pr...
Posted by Pink Hanna on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:17:00 PST

this got me into uni well this and some art work

This is MY space : :Read on to open up MY space.Can you handle ME with care?It doesn't matter now MY space is open so it belongs to YOU tooMY feelings are in this space,MY feelings create actions, whi...
Posted by Pink Hanna on Tue, 22 May 2007 12:35:00 PST

i promise i will start doin this better

wow apologies for shit bogging lately it wasnt because i have suddenly become boring but it was because i have just been soooo busy anyway after a disasterous interview at manchester i thougth i had n...
Posted by Pink Hanna on Mon, 14 May 2007 05:14:00 PST


oh yea rate crew going!!! awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by Pink Hanna on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 05:37:00 PST

lost friendships

i'm gutted i feel like i havent got good relationships liek i used to and i dont kno why EEEEEEEEEEEEEEMO i kno but it woulkd be nice to have them again so do text me msg me and i msg you too   ...
Posted by Pink Hanna on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 05:36:00 PST

gotta love the snow

so yea thursday BIG surprise it was all SNOWY which is fantastic i love snow but when i thought bout it more ive never had really bad experiences with snow until that is this year.......... i had an e...
Posted by Pink Hanna on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 03:54:00 PST

ledmill amusements

my birthday was amazing thankyou everyone who came i had a wonderful time and adored being all drunk and dancy wednesday however was different i woke up still drunk fell over a few times however i did...
Posted by Pink Hanna on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 03:44:00 PST


MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! were goin out in town on tuesday varsity at 8:45 9ish if you miss us meet us later at the leadmill!!!!! hope to see ya!!! love non pink xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
Posted by Pink Hanna on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 10:16:00 PST

SO yeah i have brownie black hair.....

this is because my lovely pinkness has gone but only for about 6mnths its to give my hair a chance to not break off so thats why btu i hope you like it its hard to get used too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
Posted by Pink Hanna on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 10:12:00 PST

jus like old times

me and elyse went out jsu the two of us not done it in ages!!! WAS SOOOOO MUCH FUN soo we went to a few bars had a few drinks on topo of the ones we had at elyses were badduns then we went to leadmill...
Posted by Pink Hanna on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:27:00 PST