..motorcross leathers, professional handclappers, what happened to your nose? VARIETY SHOWS!!--A day in the life of Heather Miller
Dordogna del Dongo. Oh, and Peter Berlin. And beards.
my music is better than yours but if you promise not to judge right now I'm listening to:The Juan Mclean, Jens Lekman, Nancy Sinatra, CSS MSTRKRFT ABBA RJD2...OK!, Tom Tom Club, The Flirts, Spoon, Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan, Final Fantasy makes me want to watch Tim Burton movies, The Ponys, Kraftwerk and the much overlooked Telex, Daft Punk--always!--at least Homework and classic Thomas Bangalter, Electrelane, Boards of Canada, Magnetic Fields, a little bit of Spank Rock, bitchin' Madleen Kane, Goldfrapp, and of course Miss Kittin and the Hacker--1st Album was the best complete record of the decade (eeeewwww! elektrokkkkklash) blaseh blah blah blah
Death Becomes Her, Indiana Jones, Fantastic Planet (all Rene Laloux), Alien(s), Dario Argento--god love the esteemed Enrico Fiorentini, Horror Movies!--they're the only thing in Hollywood bringing in money right now, Party Girl, Hustler White--The Raspberry Reich!, Logan's Run and the rest of vintage sci-fi, Film Noir including Mildred Pierce and Double Indemnity, cute gay/teen girl movies--EARTH TO CHER, COME IN CHER!
simpsons, family guy, who's the boss?, strangers with candy, golden girls, roseanne--I only get channel 10 on my tv--thank you Andrea Cambern
johnny got his gun, sellevision, glamorama, 1984, anything by James Robert Baker. I also like reading notes found in dirty used purses at work.