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About Me

Tucson implant from the ill Nati. I like playing pool, books, music, movies, scratching wreckords, and hanging out. MADVILLAIN

My Interests

Turntablism, Film Production, Film, Books (mostley satire), Music, Fake Moustaches, German Expressionist Art,

I'd like to meet:

Conan O'Brian, Bret Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, Will Farrell, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, Maynard, David Lynch, David Cronenberg, David Fincher, HR Giger, Larry David


Edan, Insight, Percee P, Tame One, 7L & Esoteric, Mr. Lif, Murs, Living Legends, Heiroglyphics, Cannibal Ox, Blackalicious, DJ Shadow, RJD2, Blue Print, MF Doom, PUTS, YNQ, Madlib, Louis Logic, Copywright, Jedi Mind, Fugees, Old Wu Tang, Peanut Butter Wolf, Q-Bert and ISP, Gang Starr, Big L, Nas, Talib, Common, THE ROOTS, Mos Def, Hi-Tek, DJ Krush, Aceyalone, J-Live, Mr. Eon, Akrobatik, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Radio Head, Aesop Rock, Portishead, Tortoise, Trans Am, At The Drive Inn, The Mars Volta, Sparta, Tool, Fugazi, Propaghandi, The Dillinger Escape Plan, BLED, The Locusts, Interpol, Old Modest Mouse, Dinosaur Jr., The RZA, Ghost, Interpol, The Bled, Postal Service, Depeche Mode, Talking Heads, The Misfits, Bob Marley, J5, Green Velvet, The International Noise Conspiracy, Non-Phixion, Dieselboy, Mark Farina, AK1200, DJ Dan, Metric, Picture Show, Kool Keith, The Automator, Stetsasonic, Ultramagnetic, Opio, Dialated, The Executioners, Prince Paul, De la, EL-P, Brycon & Equal, Craze, this list goes on and on.


Blue Velvet, Natural Born Killers, A History of Violence, Irreversible, I Stand Alone, Wild at Heart, Naked Lunch, Man Bites Dog, The Chumscrubber, The Squid and the Whale, Rushmore, Alien, Big Trouble Little China, The Thing, Time Bandits, Fear and Loathing, Brazil, Fight Club, Seven, Old Boy, Tae Guk Gi, Clockwork Orange, 2001, Full Metal Jacket, Gummo, Bully, Videodrome, Waking Life, Donnie Darko, Elephant, To Die For, American Beauty, Train Spotting, Lock Stock, Life of Brian, North by Northwest, In the Mouth of Madness, The Fly, Crash (Dave Cronenberg), Dead Man, Julien Donkey Boy, Festen, Sin City, Reservoir Dogs, City of God, The Constant Gardner, The Battle of Algiers, Adaptation, Human Nature, Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine, Kill Bill Vol. 1&2, Aliens, Alien 3, Predator, Dark Days, Night and Fog, Happiness, Storytelling, Palindromes, Ichi The Killer, The Jerk, Dumb and Dumber, Evil Dead 2, 8 1/2, The Matrix, Amarcord, Blade Runner, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Requiem, 3.14, THX 1138, Pulp Fiction, Hearts and Minds, City of Lost Children, Schindler's List, Scratch, Style Wars, Barton Fink, Oh Brother Where art Thou, The Big Labowski, Saving Private Ryan, The Man Who Wasn't There, The Royal Tenenbaums, Bottle Rocket, The Life Aquatic, Even Dwarves Start Small, 12 Monkeys, Magnolia, Boogie Nights, Eraserhead, Mulholland Drive, Thank You for Smoking, Brick, M, same as the music list it could go on and on.
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South Park, Seinfeld, The DailyShow, The Colbert Report, Frontline, Adult Swim, Ali G, Curb Your Enthusiasm


American Psycho, Lunar Park, Glamorama, The Informers, Rules of Attraction, Choke, Lullaby, Fight Club, Diary, Stranger than Fiction, Survivor, Invisible Monsters, White Noise, Cosmopolis, The Dark Tower Series, Filth, The New H.N.I.C., The Satanic Verses, House of Leaves, Helter Skelter, A Brief History of Time,


George W. Bush (for achieving such a high position with such low intelligence), and James

My Blog

Black Eyed Peas EP with select boxes of Post Cereal

The Black Eyed Peas are taking their shameless self promotion one step further by signing a contract with Post Cereals.  The deal promises a 6 song EP by mid 2006 to be packaged with se...
Posted by Ben on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 07:28:00 PST