Derek Alfred profile picture

Derek Alfred

sum1 once told me d grass s much greener?

About Me

WeLL leT me inTroDucE mySelf 2 aLL of u: thE namE's "DEREK ALFRED L. BENTULAN"..anD doNt u evEr foRgeT it..i meaN iT...iM a tYpe of peRsOn thAt is frIEndly..iSn't iT obVIOus to aLL oF u...i LikE to exPlorE manY thInGs anD im a SporTs bufF esPeCIAlly in baSkeTBaLL anD voLLeYbaLL..i'M a LoviNG peRSoN anD i cAnt undERstAnD wHy otHer peOPle CAnt see iT.......iM reALLy gOOd aT crAcKing uP joKEs coz I waNT tO aLWayz haVE a Good tIme...weLL iF u waNT tO adD me uP u peoPle juz tyPE iN mY emAiL aDD:"[email protected]"..PeacE ouT and KeeP roCkIng tO aLL oF my FrienDS...HeLL yEaH..

My Interests

pLAyinG fuLL conTAct spORts,giRLs,muSiC,watChinG spoNGe boB squaRE pants and GingeR and wiLD thORnbeRRiES,waTChing MoVies

I'd like to meet:

weLL i wANt to Meet giRLs thAT aRE veRY opEn-minDED,LibeRAteD,thOSe wHO aRE coNFidENt on "wHO thEY are anD wHAt THey Are",whO cAn caRRy tHEmseLVes at aLL tImes wHEn neEDed(yOU feELiN' me PizsA),who I cAN get ALOng with aND fuLL of HUmoR,aLWays aT theIR ""A-GAME"" whenEVEr theRE arE pARtieS...juZ waNNa MAkE frieNDs with Y'aLL..(ya HeARd)


im more into rock music..rnb..pop but definitelynot into boybands coz they suck big tym muthafucka......


im into war epic movies especially those topics with killing coz i do adore debauchery very much juz in movies ok......


Im InTO thE MorE InfORmAtioNAL StufF....Ya heARd


anything that will enhance my knowledge those worth reading like encylopedia and history books............


Kapitan Bawang..kumander Buto..and the biG Tym PoRN stars as themselves......

My Blog

heY giRLs..i Got whAt yOU neeD

Yo stop the tape, hold on Listen man, this Swizz It's not a game, it's goin down We ain't playin wit y'all Scorpion, sting that ass And we doin this for the.. two-thousand-and-one, let's rock Wo...
Posted by Derek Alfred on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


AArtyLLoudFFunkyRRealisticEEccentricDDreamyName / Username: Name Acronym GeneratorFrom
Posted by Derek Alfred on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

mY nAmE

DDramaticEEnchantingRRadicalEExcitingKKeenName / Username: Name Acronym GeneratorFrom
Posted by Derek Alfred on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST