Jim profile picture


What's worse than having an office relationship? Having an ex-relationship in your office

About Me

I'm Jim. I work as the #2 at Dunder Mifflin: Scranton. That means I get paid more than I was for doing less work. Let me rephrase that: I get paid a lot more to do what Michael is supposed to be doing. I don't think of it as a career that I'd like to stick with, but with all the useless knowledge I have pertaining to my job, I don't know what else I would do. Besides, I enjoy being around some of the people in the company. I won't name any names. Geez, I might as well: Kevin.

And I'm good at basketball as well as sales, at least enough to schmooze CEOs. I guess it's nice to be good at something. I mean, what if my claim to fame was being good at pulling out lame 10 y/o jokes out of the blue to harass my employees with? Who wants to be good at that? Besides Carrot-Top.....and my boss.

If you're looking for more pictures, yell at the guys at The Inept Owl. They're supposed to spearhead that PR.

My Interests

annoying Dwight, cooking(jello to be precise), basketball, hockey, figuring out what to do with my life, writing

I'd like to meet:

I'll tell you who I'd rather not meet:
KKK members
the floating head of Walt Disney
people who still play Go Fish without drinking
gun collectors
Dwangela's "offspring"
John Krasinski: wow, that's heavy
Anyone else deserves a "hello"


I'd like to say I'm into the Scranton music scene...............but there isn't one. I do enjoy ATCQ, Death Cab, The Roots, Dredg, and Bowie, but I'm open to mostly anything......except what Michael listens to.


80's movies like Say Anything, Lynch, Cronenberg, American Psycho, Falling Down, etc.


24, My Name is Earl, South Park, etc. I'd say The Office.......but I live that every day.


I've been reading a lot of Bret Easton Ellis books these days......and George Carlin's Brain Droppings.


The thing about heroes is they're supposed to help inspire you. It doesn't take much inspiration to work at Dunder Mifflin. If I needed to choose, my hero would be that guy with no legs in the movie "Kids." At least he's up-front.

My Blog

accidental hiatus. Woops.....

Just a quick note to those of you that have added and messaged me throughtout the summer. "Sorry about that." Pseudo Jim has been neglectful and apologizes. Hopefully this does not reflect badly on Jo...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:53:00 PST

A small pile of funny(updated)

       I like satire. It's nice to see something we all know about being poked fun at. With that said, I like to show support, especially to those who send me pretty phot...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 08:29:00 PST

The world changes on St. Patrick's Day(a little late)

Well, we've had over a week to recover from our hang-overs from the greatest drinking holiday ever. Actually I'm incorrect, but more on that in a minute. What can be wrong with a holiday where bars OP...
Posted by Jim on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:10:00 PST

Nielsen Ratings History

Here's some odd facts I found interesting.   1971-1976: All In The Family topped the ratings. Now, I love watching syndication of this show, but how can anyone put down Dave Chappelle or Sou...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 04:54:00 PST

On Hiatus

I probably won't be on this for the next week. I have to fill in for the US Hockey Team in the Olympics.     Yeah, I wish. Just the same, see everyone in a week!
Posted by Jim on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 07:15:00 PST

Hangin with the boys....and the Super Bowl

       So the normal circumstance of the world identifies men as the focus of most major sports. Stereotypical? Sure, but from experience I can tell you it's a rare thing...
Posted by Jim on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 08:37:00 PST

they forgot my fortune cookie

So I'm sitting at my desk with some food from the local Chinese/Japanese joint-compound restaurant, and I took a little from either side of the Asian continent. Sushi and Miso from Japan Spring roll f...
Posted by Jim on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:15:00 PST

I did my part for spring cleaning

See, Dwight? I do care.   I should be in interior design....
Posted by Jim on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 03:25:00 PST

What do owls have to do with breasts?

Hooters has to be one of the most....interesting restaurants known by the masses. Not only do their waitstaff dress to impress those of us who drink beer and eat chicken wings(yes, they DO have some g...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 02:41:00 PST

not a fan of bacon

Well, I definitely cannot take credit for this last episode. This was Michael and Dwight's show, all the way, with me as, well, Puck putting in a quip or two. I'm fine with that. Now I'll pat MY Lean ...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 07:53:00 PST