For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgi profile picture

For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgi

A Saturday Night, In A New Space Car...

About Me

We are still looking for GIGS for 2008 in Europe & other.


also, PRESS & WEB REVIEWS, DISTRIBUTE, RADIO & VIDEO BROADCAST for our first album "Highway 88 Revisited"

Spread the word to friends, foes, or none of the above!!

New LP & DVD available during december 2007

For more informations, propose gigs or exchange contacts for booking or press, send an email to


ThX for Support !

This age is that of rock’n’roll, as it’s probably never been before….apparently. But one must distinguish between one rock’n’roll and another....that is H&MTV rock and the other one, this one is of real interest to us. This rock, had several names in France between 1993 en 1999: Drive Blind, Condense, Sleeppers, Deity Guns, Double Nelson, Portobello Bones, Basement, Dèche d’en Face, Kill The Thrill, Davy Jones Locker, Well Spottedand many other ones. It was doubtlessly underground, but hardy, eclectic, and high-quality stuff nonetheless. Some of the above-named bands have lasted and keep on resisting to standardisation, but only a few of them have stridden the bridge of the 80’s, and for a while, the spring had dried up.But we’ve now attended a new underground restlessness for a couple of years: Café Flesh, Marvin, Ned, We Insist !, Chevreuil, Overmars, Death to Pigs, Binaire, Marypoppers and of course other bands have restored letters patent of nobility to a diversified, first-rate, and true no-compromise french rock’n’roll.For my hybrid belongs to these bands that work hard and finally give birth in pain to high-grade records. The band, born in a little hole at the back of beyond somewhere in the Vosges, is now based in Nancy, and gathers 4 experienced musicians who passionately perform a wild, dirty, intense and raw rock’n’roll, which could be filed as noisy.The band was grounded on either 2001 or 2002 – none of the guys do exactly remember – the quartet released last year its self-produced magnum opus, namely "Highway 88 revisited" (no need to mention the reference to Bob Dylan, 88 being the figure associated to the Vosges in France). 9 tunes that hit you like as many uppercuts, though having been recorded live with absolutely no overdub...which resulted in a strained, ready-to-explode piece of work. According to those guys, a good rock’n’roll record is “one that leaves you exhausted after having listened to it, whereas you haven’t even moved from your seat”. And from that point of view they plainly succeeded in reaching their goal: Tunes such as“Heroes in Leather”, “Rock your Body” “True Punks do Dance Music” are irresistible and unstoppable shots. These guys have assimilated all that requires to be:Shellac, Jesus Lizard, John Spencer, as well as the Who or the Cramps. Finally, regardless to their ascendance lines or references, they most of all have a unique personality and show a permanent mastery of their art: first, a singer being able to sing as the smoothest crooner and yell as the most hysterical lunatic would do, then a guitar-player who appears to be an expert in controlling the skids of his instrument, a never-tired rythm-pair and above all, a real composing talent from the beginning to the end of this first CD. They clearly aim to an optimal efficacy using their assets: no interest for any kind of standard requirements and the art of being fully structured while not immediately sounding so. The guys are no beginners since they respectively belonged or still belong to several & diverse local bands. After having released“Highway 88 revisited”, they have been performing over thirty gigs and have just won the final contest of the Eurockeennes.For my Hybrid will therefore to be seen on the “Loggia” stage during the famous festival in Belfort. That gig will probably be a good opportunity for them to play for a wider audience, to share their vision of rock’n’roll, that is, as it is above-mentioned, a no-compromise music, as it should definitely and always be. You’ll hear from this band.... By Olivier Drago / NOISE MAG

My Interests


Member Since: 1/7/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Tom: Voice & Guitar / Dom: Guitar / Niko: Bass / David: Drums/

Heroes in Leather

L’époque est rock, comme jamais. Il paraît. Mais il y a rock et rock. Le rock H&MTV et l’autre, celui qui nous intéresse. En France, de 1993 à 1999 - en gros - ce rock-là avait de nombreux noms : Drive Blind, Condense, Sleeppers, Deity Guns, Double Nelson, Portobello Bones, Basement, Dèche d’en Face, Kill The Thrill, Davy Jones Locker, Well Spotted et beaucoup d’autres. Un rock souterrain, mais vivace, éclectique et d’une qualité exemplaire. Quelques-uns des précités ont continué - et continuent - la résistance, mais peu ont passé le cap des années 2000, et la source s’est tarie un moment.Mais depuis deux ou trois ans on assiste à une nouvelle effervescence underground : Café Flesh, Marvin, Ned, We Insist !, Chevreuil, Overmars, Death to Pigs, Binaire, Marypopperset bien d’autres redonnent ses lettres de noblesse au rock sans compromis de l’Hexagone, dans sa grande diversité, sa qualité et sa sincérité. For My Hybrid est de ceux-là, de ces groupes qui triment et accouchent dans l’effort de disques d’une qualité rare. Originaire d’un « trou à rats génial » au fin fond des Vosges et aujourd’hui basé à Nancy,For My Hybrid réunit quatre musiciens aguerris autour d’une passion commune pour l’élaboration d’un rock sauvage, sale, intense et cru qu’on rangera dans la catégorie « noise ». Formé en 2002, ou bien 2001 - eux-mêmes ne savent plus très bien - le quatuor a sorti l’an dernier, en autoproduction, son premier opus au titre en forme de clin d’ à Bob Dylan : Highway 88 Revisited. Neuf chansons uppercuts, enregistrées live sans overdub, pour un résultat tendu et explosif. Pour eux, un bon disque rock est souvent « celui qui laisse exténué après écoute, alors que tu n’as pas bougé de ton fauteuil ». Et c’est réussi : « Heroes in Leather », « Rock your Body »,« True Punk Do Dance Music » sont autant de brûlots imparables et irrésistibles. Ces gars-là ont tout pigé, tout assimilé de Shellac, Jesus Lizard, John Spencer, mais aussi des Who ou des Cramps. Mais au final tous les amonts et les références s’estompent face une personnalité et une maîtrise de tous les instants : un chanteur capable du croon rock’n’roll le plus suave, au cri hystérique le plus fou, un guitariste expert en dérapages contrôlés, une section rythmique inlassable et surtout un sens de la composition remarquable tout le long de ce premier essai varié, où les titres jouent la carte de la déstructuration structurée, sans se soucier d’aucun format, avec en ligne de mire l’efficacité optimale. Ceci dit, les quatre n’en sont pas à leurs premiers pas musicaux... Fort d’une trentaine de concerts depuis la sortie de Highway 88 Revisited, For My Hybrid vient de sortir vainqueur de la Finale du Tremplin des Eurockéennes et se produira donc sur la scène « Loggia » du célèbre festival de Belfort. Certainement une bonne occasion de faire parler de lui au-delà d’un cercle d’initiés et de partager avec un plus grand nombre, sa vision d’un rock sans concession, tel qu’il devrait toujours être… par Olivier Drago / NOISE MAG

Sounds Like:

Record Label: After Before / Fuzz Box Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


&Deux vidéos des Eurockéennes de Belfort sont dispo ici...
Posted by For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgium) on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 03:52:00 PST

-/- CONTACT US -/-

For more informations, propose gigs or exchange contacts for booking or press, radio & video broadcast. c/o  David +33 674 926 588formyhybrid.noise(at)gmail.comor send an email to...
Posted by For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgium) on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 05:29:00 PST


Version web (1Mo) :Press Book 2007 - ScreenVersion imprimable (10Mo) : Press Book 2007 - Print...
Posted by For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgium) on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:04:00 PST

-/- LIVE & DEAD REPORT -/- l'EspaceB -/-

For My HybridA l'Espace B, 2 Mars 2007Vendredi 2 Mars, l'Espace B. A peine quelques jours de repos auditif, et c'est le retour à l'Espace B. Comme à la Scène Bastille trois jours plus tôt -et à mon g...
Posted by For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgium) on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 07:29:00 PST


En Mai 2005, For My Hybrid, entre en studio pour enregistrer son premier album : « Highway 88 Revisited ». 8 Titres de Rocknroll NRV propulsés la bave aux lèvres, sans concessions ni retenues. For My ...
Posted by For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgium) on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 04:24:00 PST

-/- PAST GIGS -/-

Principaux Concerts:> 30/06/2007 : 'Eurockéennes' - Belfort (70)> 19/06/2007 : 'Noumatrouff' - Mulhouse (68)> 15/06/2007 : 'Azimut854' - THE TURBOMEN + MACHINE GUN KELLY> 07/04/2007 : 'Festival n'Etai...
Posted by For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgium) on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 06:11:00 PST

-/- LIENS -/- LINKS -/-

TOXIC KISS:  "Mlange dtonnant, apparemment binaire et ravageur, mais bien moins naf qu'il n'y parat - imaginez par exemple la rencontre excitante des Dead Kennedys aprs une cure de jouvence et de...
Posted by For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgium) on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 05:48:00 PST


*********************************************************Chr onique YOZINE-/- 28.12.05 -/-Interview YOZINE -/- 10.01.06 -/-********************************************************* Chronique NOISY TOWN ...
Posted by For My Hybrid (need booking in Germany & Belgium) on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 08:07:00 PST