Member Since: 1/6/2006
Band Members: Tom Papadatos- Drums.Yanko Valdes-Everything else.Miguel Gonzalez, Guitar in Kafe.Roberto Ciraudo, Guitar in We Know Who U Are.
Influences: Urbenia del Carmen Aravena Albornoz (Canucha), Luis Belisario Valdes Vega, Miles Davis, Rocky Balboa, Beatles, Prince, Charly Garcia, Fedor Emelianenko, Timothy Cobb, Ludwig Streicher, Emanuel Feurmann, Jaco Pastorious, Karate Kid, Bach, Schubert, Sam el Rey del Judo, Quentin Tarantino, Coppola, Scorsese, Van Gogh, Super Raton, Batman, Alicia Gloria Natasha Valdes Aravena, Victor Jara, Violeta Parra, Beethoven, Metallica, Slayer, Sifu Miguel Angel de Luca, Sifu Mauricio, Sifu Pedro Burgos, Sifu Jaime Espina, Grand Master Chan Tai San, Richard Strauss, Misfits, Sex Pistols, King Crimson, Congreso, Fulano, La Familia Rueda, Los Tres, Tia Vaca, Tia Flori, Tio Juan Carlos, Tia Liliana, Tia Julia, Tia Aida, Alvaro Huerta, Peter Gabriel, Chulo the cat, Puccini (both the cat and the composer), Ernesto the cat, Zack the dog, Loti the cat, Cortazar, Stephen King, Peter Straub, Clive Barker, Nicanor Parra, Dostoyevski, Albert Camus, Cassandra the "killer cat", Illapu, Bruce Lee, Frank Sinatra, Coltrane, Mingus, Bernie Worrell, Duke Ellington, James Brown, Slam Stewart, Randy Couture, Pedro Aznar, Spinetta, Hugo Moraga, Kiyoto Fujiwara, John and Martha Schaeffer.
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Sounds Like: Broken bones.
Record Label: Independent
Type of Label: Indie