Booking bands, going to shows, listening to music, singing karaoke, etc.
Every single local original band in the United States. Probably will never happen - but one can dream - so spread the word!
Local Original Hardcore Screaming Death Metal
Anything that involves people getting high or having a good time
Favorite show - Big Brother. I have watched every single episode pretty much of every single season. I don't know why but they got me hooked! Second runner up would be Malcolm in the Middle (it makes me realize that I don't have it sooo bad...) Sopranos!!!! "Just When I Thought I Was Out....They Pull Me Back In!"
Harry Potter. I know I seem kinda old to be reading Harry Potter but I have read each book in the series at least 6 or 7 times and they just keep getting better and better. But I did recently inquire a new favorite - Pot Stories for the Soul. Very interesting reading...