---------------------The Highball Hooligans Short Film Two---------------------
A five piece punk rock band from the bowels of the Green Bay area.
MuTT and McKeys began a few years ago, working on ideas here and there, taking their sweet ass time trying to find the right individuals for a group in between working day jobs. After going through numerous individuals, one by one the tumblers fell into place. sLush, a childhood friend of MuTT’s made his way out to MuTT’s place (A.K.A. the practice shack) for a drink and some banter. One thing led to another and his interest for the music coupled with his talented lead guitar ability led him into this.
StreGO was next. One of MuTT’s comrades from a former group, he was a shoe in from the beginning, because he’s a damn fine drummer with versatile skill. (NOTE: The drums you hear on the current recordings are NOT HIM. Expect a better rendition when the hooligans hit the studio!) He Also possess a respectable love for GOOD BEER!
And finally, Billy “BoNes†on BASS! A so far undiscovered diamond in the rough, who seems to have been just lying in wait for the right group to spark his creative side. Soft spoken, but far from unheard, his relentless endeavors bolster the NEW “BACKBONEâ€.
Their influences are all over the place, and different from member to member: Rock & Roll (in EVERY form), Punk (from OI!, through THRASH, to SKA!), Metal (NU or OLD), Country (only GOOD COUNTRY though, OLD SCHOOL SHIT WITH A STORY), Traditional (Scottish, Irish, American, etc., etc.), Soul (JAMES BROWN!!!),… probably more in there somewhere, but you get the idea.
Though many things influence what these bastards come up with, the fact still remains the same. The PUNK ROCK HEART is driving this machine.
-the highball hooligans-
If you are not a member of myspace, but want to contact The Highball Hooligans use this E-mail address: [email protected]
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