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You are very dominant in bed, and you like to control your relationship in general. You are so intense in the sack that none of your partners will ever forget you. You are an amazing lover, because you like to have an equal amount of give and take. Sex matches: Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces
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Sun Sign: Scorpio
Sun 24° Scorpio 32' Scorpio Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Moon 12° Sagittarius 30' Sagittarius Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Virgo
Ascendant 7° Virgo 08' Virgo Horoscope
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Powered by Your Sun Sign: Scorpio Sun 24° Scorpio 32' What's a sun sign?Element: Water Key Planet: Pluto The Scorpion is one intense little creature, with enough poison in its own tail to disable or kill a much larger opponent. But the problem with this kind of built-in biological weaponry is that it must be mastered in order to be used most effectively. You Scorpios can use your "stinger" for self-defense, using your powerful emotional awareness to render your opponent harmless. But there is a sexual component of poisonous tail also, and until you learn to control those strong urges, you may find yourself in uncomfortable situations.Motto: "What is hidden is more interesting than what is obvious."Greatest Strength: Your passion about your feelings Possible Weakness: Need for secrecy can be isolatingYour Moon Sign: Sagittarius Moon 12° Sagittarius 30' What's a moon sign?You need room to move and emotional space to explore whatever ideas or feelings arise within you. Getting locked into situations where you have to keep showing up and behaving in the same way all the time can be very boring. You're hungry to explore the world and new concepts, ever searching for more experiences in life. Greener pastures call when the walls begin to close in. Optimism is your fuel, the source of nurturance that can keep you going when others might fall into despair. Knowing that life always has more to teach you can be your joyful wake-up call every day of your life.Motto: "Tomorrow with be another day."Greatest Strength: Emotional honestyPossible Weakness: Avoiding making the hard decisionsYour Rising Sign: Virgo Ascendant 7° Virgo 08' What's a rising sign?Virgo Rising usually gives an individual a very careful approach to new people and situations. This is a modest and cautious sign, that can make you come across as a modest person. But Virgo is also a helpful sign, so you often enter situations with the goal of lending a hand. If you're in a leadership position, keep your eye on the big picture, rather than getting sidetracked with small tasks that others should handle. You might also be more critical about your appearance and your behavior than you need to be, but the little imperfections that can seem so big to you are probably not noticeable to others.Motto: "I'm here to help."Greatest Strength: Putting practical matters firstPossible Weakness: Downplaying your abilitiesYour Chinese Sign: The Dog The DOG … THE DISQUIET DOGMantra: I am loyal to my destiny.The Dog has a great feeling for justice and follows the rules of fair play. This deep moral sense also makes the Dog honest and loyal. Dogs are very intuitive but can tend toward pessimism -- and even see dangers where there aren't any. Anxious and short-tempered at times, they can also be magnetic leaders, enchanting and very generous. But don't question a Dog's belief in his or her destiny. And never, ever attack a Dog's children or home. If you do, watch all that usual doggie diplomacy disappear -- and run fast … or you'll be in for quite a scuffle.That's funny...About me... In a box... Oh the Humor!
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