~Things I like~:
*Unconditional LOVE*
*God Consciousness*
*Subjective Realism*
*Philosophizing while sober*
*Free Hugs*
*Cuddle Puddles*
*Minneapolis, MN*
*The word "breakfast"*
*Massaging people and BEING massaged*
*not wearing a watch*
*My daughter's laugh*
*timing the beat of the music to my windshield wipers*
*Belly Dancing*
*Writing in my journal almost every day since i was 11*
*Harmony Park*
*making fun of my friends (haha)*
*Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwiches*
*Seeing People Smile*
*Playing Guitar*
*Drunken Jenga*
*thinking up random band names*
*vegan pizza*
*Crisp, sunny fall days*
*Saying the word FUCK*
*Being in control*
*Laughing so hard that I don't make any noise at all except for a wheezing of air out of my mouth*
*feeling excited*
*Indian food*
*wearing mis-matched socks and really not giving a shit*
*The Post Punk Kitchen*
*Hugs and Kisses*
*taking pictures of trees*
~Things I DON'T like so much~:
rude people on the road
when people put containers of empty food BACK in the fridge or cupboards
people who abuse thier kids
Broken Promises
people who pretend to be someone else just to impress...BE YOURSLEVES...YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!
Being a cashier or a waitress..I'll never do either again
People Envy Your Compassion
You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.
People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.
What Do People Envy About You?
***MINNEAPOLIS!!***My favorite city ever~
Anyone who has passion, creativity, talent, humor, and is full of LOVE!!!
Yes Ma'am! Get the funk outta here...I BREATHE music.
Here's a video of me just a rockin' on my geetar! Rockin
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NEW video...what are YOU grateful for? :)
~Ashley singing Ramble On Rose~
Add to My Profile | More VideosManifestations of Love
New Song...made it up as I went...Its called "BREAK"
Black Snake Moan, Run Lola Run, Alice in Wonderland, Drop Dead Fred, the Brave Little Toaster, Donnie Darko, Super Troopers, Supersize me, What about Bob?, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, Waking Life, The Nightmare before Christmas, Lady in White (was filmed in my old hometown) What the BLEEP do we know?. Southpark Bigger, Longer and Uncut, The Labyrinth, Pan's Labyrithm my band's dvd's, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Dumb and Dumber, The Usual Suspects and the Game (I dig the endings) Blair Witch ( i thought it was real the first time I saw it and I almost cried because I was so freakin scared...ok ok, I DID cry)
TV sucks...but, I love the old school twilight zone and when I catch Family Guy its SO funny! :) Everything else is bullshit.
Go Ask Alice,1984, Brave New World, The Doors of Perception, Mutant Message from Forever, The Electric Koolaid Acid Test, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, Manifest Your Destiny, The World Before, Catcher in the Rye, A Clockwork Orange, Lord of the Flies, (basically anything we read in AP LIT and AP Language class...besides Red Badge of Courage...I bs'd my way through that paper) Peace is Every Step, anything by Kurt Vonnegut, Men are from Mars Women are from Venus, Anything by Thich Nhat Hanh, Goodnight Moon (wait, that's not MY favorite) The Hidden Messages in Water,Cunt, Anything that expands my perception and evolution of consciousness.
~My Beautiful Daughter~
Uncle Traveling Matt from Fraggle Rock...my twin flame
People who stand up for what they believe in, people who LOVE, people who are against violence, people who believe all beings are created equally, people who express themselves creatively, people who FOLLOW THEIR BLISS~