SHELLYKAT profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

cute myspace layouts

I'd tell you,but then I'd have to kill you..
You're Bettie Page!

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
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My Interests

People(...They're such entertaining little things),thrift stores,red lipstick,kitty cats,vodka,dive bars,hot chicks,late night tv,antiques,Marilyn Monroe,coffee,anything vintage,clothes and shoes,boobies,cooking,sex,stockings and garters,cheesecake(pin-up and the food),tattoos and piercings,anything but the norm.

I'd like to meet:

Real people.Plain,yet,not so simple.
Old school punk! You just say what you have to say
regardless of what everyone else thinks!
You're one of my most favourite types of
music... You're raw and uncut! You're
surrounded by hype...just don't let it make you
go insane...

What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
How to make a SHELLYKAT
1 part anger
5 parts courage
3 parts energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of lovability

Personality cocktail


Anything old . I hate all the new shit that tries to sound like the old shit but just sounds like shit. Shit...I think you get the point.But I do enjoy The Misfits,Samhain,Exploited,Sisters of Mercy,Joy Division,Dead Kennedys,Souixie and the Banshees,The Cult(and the southern variety as well)Classic rock(ima hood)The Cure,THE DARKNESS,cock rock,G'n R, Metallica,Faith No More,Billy Holiday,Frank Sinatra,Harry Connick Jr.,Clutch,Social D,David Bowie(old),The Smiths,The Sundays,50"s/60's music,Rockabilly,Johnny Cash ,Patsy Cline,70's


Apocolypse Now,Sleepers,Blue Velvet,Delta of Venus,Meet the Feebles,Female Trouble,Shawshank Redemption,Army of Darkness,Bowling For Columbine,Pecker,Pink Flamingos,Boogie Nights,Evil Dead 1&2,True Romance,Wild at Heart,The Shining,Beutiful Creatures,Along the Waterfront,Doctor Zhivago......


Anything by Herman Hesse or Kahlil Gibran, select Steven King, and just about any of the classics.

My Blog


..> Your True Sign Is Sagittarius .. ittarius.jpg" height="100" width="100"> FunnyConfidentEasily BoredPhilosophicalWorld TravelerSpontaneo...
Posted by SHELLYKAT on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:03:00 PST

Elizabeth Bathory

Take the quiz: "What infamous person are you?"Elizabeth BathoryNifty. You're a female murderer. The Blood Countess. Don't see that often enough. You're so obsessed with conserving your youth that ...
Posted by SHELLYKAT on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Justice Tarot

You are the Justice card. Justice preserves theharmony of the world. Working with oppositeforces, Justice does not seek to criticize orcondemn but rather to accept. The idea behindthe card justice is ...
Posted by SHELLYKAT on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Hey,Look! I'm not crazy!

DisorderRatingParanoid:ModerateSchizoid:LowSchizotypal:LowAn tisocial:LowBorderline:LowHistrionic:LowNarcissistic:Moderat eAvoidant:LowDependent:LowObsessive-Compulsive:Low-- Personality Disorder Test -...
Posted by SHELLYKAT on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST