reading, writing, comedy, art
You! Or alternately, an old geezer about to croak with lots of money who will leave it to me when he goes. And Mel Brooks, comedy genius.
Anything as long as it's good...but lean towards Hawaiian classics,jazz, R & B, Motown, and the dreaded Broadway musical.
My favorite film of all time has to be Young Frankenstein. I'm ashamed to say I know the dialogue by heart. In my defense, I'm not the only one. My friend Stan and I can do the entire movie. We don't do the Rocky Horror thing and dress up or anything That would be sad, and slightly creepy.
Afraid I am one of those National Geographic, History and Discovery channel geeks. And of course, the Comedy Channel. I am also easily tempted by anything faintly Agatha Christie.
For pleasure reading, mysteries. Tend to like some of the classic writers (Christie, Sayers, and historical series, like the ones featuring Gordianus the Finder of ancient Rome or Brother Cadfael in 12th century Britain or Sister Fidelma in 14th century Ireland. (Hmmm...guess you can never escape Catholic school.) It's a disappointment when you have to wait for the next book to come out. Especially tough waiting for Agatha. Other books that clutter my bookshelves show my interest in history, biography, and philosophy of all kinds. Basically, I read a lot of stuff!
My first and biggest hero is my Dad, Edward Kauaowaiakea Lee (Sr.) who gave me a love of music and entertaining, nurtured my creative talent and encouraged my sense of humor. He was a kind, loving, highly intelligent and accomplished person who overcame poverty and negative circumstances without it ever affecting his positive spirit and warm personality. I have yet to meet anyone like him. I miss him every day.