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" Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. "
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
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what is all of this? what is the point? are.
Unfortunately at some point in our lives we lose touch with our imaginations. With the gradual deterioration of belief systems, government and human compassion.. It is difficult to open yourself up to something new and unfamiliar.
There is a psychological war going on right in front of our faces. Fear tactics, mind control, conformity.. Who? Every single channel on your television, every frequency on your radio, every newspaper.. Are you following? You are kept in your place. Your thoughts are preprogramed while room for spiritual advancement has been erased. The human robot.
Commercialism. Everything is exactly the same as everything else. Everyone buys the same thing? Why? Because of repetitive advertising. Why do you think the same song gets played on the radio 5, 10, 20 times a day? Your favorite bands are no longer artists - They are salesmen.
Open your eyes.
You know only what they want you to know.
You fear what they want you to fear.
You buy what they want you to buy.
So sit back, turn on MTV, tune into your favorite radio station and forget that once upon a time... You had a mind of your own.
Thank you for supporting the Liberation of Musick