Our 9/11 First Responders Need Your Help!
As a New Yorker and someone who was here that day amidst the horror and confusion it pains me that people do not question the events of that day and are quick to just blow this all off as "whack job conspiracy theories". With that aside, the first responders, the ones who ran into the burning buildings without question, the ones who raced to the site to sift through the rubble to find survivors, the ones who stayed on for weeks and months sorting through the wreckage, these are the ones who are now suffering and need your attention.
The first responders of 9/11 are being denied benefits or any kind of health care compensation and as a result many cannot afford the help that they need let alone be able to provide meals for their families. These heroes need YOU to help spread the awareness of what is going on and the horrible way these brave individuals are being ignored after they selflessly gave themselves to help this country and this city.
Below is a link to two of the many fund drives to help. My friend Craig Bartmer is dying today because he was a first responders. They gave themselves to help others and now no one is stepping forward to help them. Please put all of this ridiculous and childish bickering aside and do something to help for once. We as Americans have very short memories, but these peoples lives are becoming even shorter, help do something.
http://www.fealgoodfoundation.com/WaysToGive.html http://www.911blogger.com/node/8919Get Informed
http://www.911truth.org and http://www.wearechange.orgLives are still being lost to this tragedy. Inform yourself, inform others, help those who are being left behind, soldiers, first responders, families of those murdered that day.
I was born into white trash royalty on a cold February morn to the screeching guitar licks of Black Sabbath and the smoke of a freshly killed roach hovering above my head like a storm waiting to erupt.
My childhood was short and I began dabbling in the arts at a young age. I found that I could draw silly pictures and had a taste for the macabre and decided to become a special make-up effects artist. This of course didnt happen, but the next best thing did.
I became a designer right out of High School and worked around my hometown for a few years developing my skill until one day I got the call that would change my life. Forever. It was a company called Troma, in a little town I like to call New York City.
I moved here at 25 to be an art director for the B Movie studio Troma and Ive been here ever since. I am an Art Director by trade currently working for The WDDG (The World Domination Design Group) mostly dealing in web design and devolopment as well as .. and platform gaming.
Loved my most, despised by few, feared by many, my kung fu is legendary even in the halls of Valhalla.