Alright - I feel stupid that I wrote that whole thing about A Million Little Pieces in the 'about me' section. I guess that falls more in the 'interests' catagory. Now I have to think of something new. Thinking ... thinking ... Alright, here's a brief list of what makes me 'tick'. Noodles, clawfooted bathtubs, historical fiction (especially about the Civil War, WW2 is so passe), ripped pantyhose, ticker tape parades, Bill the Butcher, Andy Williams, lady cops, Doris Day, learning, Beethoven, Aztecs, David Icke, Brain Austen Green, anything - seriously, anything by Lou Reed, Japan, Larry McMurtrey and probably fuckin.
The cast of the OC and Everyone Hates Chris. Have you watched those shows? The talent, oh god, the talent.
My last name has the musical qualities of silverware being thrown down a flight of stairs. Was that the question?
Starship Troopers, Dune, Stargate, SERENITY, Kahn, Blade Runner, 5th Element, Virtuosity, Matrix, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Ressurection, Replicant, TimeCop, Soilent Green, Running Man, Marathon Man, Amelie
Battlestar galactica, Trek, Firefly, NOT BUFFY and I don't want to talk about it so don't ask.
Unbearable Lightness of Being, All Quiet on the Western Front, Battleship Down, The Corrections, The Prince, Art of War, Franny and Zooey, Breakfast of Champions, Naked Lunch, Sons and Lovers, The Grapes of Wrath, Orlando, Catch-22, anything by Henry James, Ulysses, Go Tell it on the Mountain, The Color Purple, The Bluest Eye, Native Son, anything by Carson McCullers or Flannery O'Conner. OH! And Palefire I LOVE Palefire. Fuck you, it's a masterpiece.
Superman, Batman, X-Men, Wolfman, Caveman, Maya Angelou.