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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

i play guitar in a horror movie inspired thrashcore band ( NEAR DARK )

I'm all about movies, especially independent stuff and bad horror. Weirder the better. Music, politics, and political music too.

if you like horror movies and live near philadelphia check this out:

if you're into movies and want a good place to get imports, horror, art house, japanese, or just weird shit check this out:

My Interests

veganism / edge / film / politics / dancing /

I'd like to meet:

[david lynch / dario argento / takashi miike / akira kurosawa] -- know these men

film fanatics & vegan straightedge militants


his hero is gone, catharsis, ixhatexyou, chokehold, struggle, downcast, swing kids, ink and dagger, 108, fugazi, mark my words, city of caterpillar, majority rule, malady, pg99, sunn0))), khanate, leechmilk, morbid angel, decapitated, facedowninshit, doug martsch, built to spill, john coltrane, miles davis, anaal nathrakh, earth crisis, race bannon, kylesa, tragedy


haute tension, fight club, blue velvet, eraserhead, lost highway, the shining, seven samurai, brazil, dead alive, any bad horror, big lebowski, ichi the killer, audition, the hellraiser movies (even the really bad ones), evilspeak, re-animator, and many many more...


fuck tv.


snow crash / repent harlequin! said the ticktockman

My Blog

like animal testing?

if you think animal experiments are neccecary consider the following: Less than 2% of human illnesses (1.16%) are ever seen in animals. Over 98% never are.At least 50...
Posted by Matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST