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About Me

Exhumed Films is the brainchild of four friends from the New Jersey/Philadelphia area: Dan Fraga, Joseph A. Gervasi, Harry Guerro and Jesse Nelson. The quartet, all of whom are now in their late-twenties or early-thirties, used to bemoan the fact that monster movies had all but disappeared from the big screen. They dreamt of a local theatre that would hold a midnight showing of their favorite horror films; since no one in the area seemed to be organizing such an event, they decided to take it upon themselves.... Read more about exhumed here .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who want to come to our shows:

checkout our website for the latest updates.
or go straight to our upcoming shows

Friday, July 10: Exhumed Presents an Italian Flesh Eaters Double Feature!!
Doors at 7:30 pm, show starts 8pm. Admission $10

Cannibal Apocalypse aka Invasion of the Flesh Hunters
Directed by Antonio Margheriti (as "Anthony M. Dawson")/Italy/1980/96 minutes/35mm

A rare early '80s Italian gore classic. The horrors of war take on a whole new meaning for Vietnam vet Norman Hopper (John Saxon, Enter the Dragon and Black Christmas), whose quiet domestic life in Atlanta is shattered by the return of Charlie Bukowski, a combat buddy who dredges up terrifying flashbacks of flesh eating and bloodshed in the war-torn jungles. Now on the run from the law, Charlie begs Norman to help him get out of town with another fellow veteran, Tom (Tony King, Shaft). Soon the ragtag team of cannibals are fighting for their lives, spreading a deadly contagion through the city before heading into the sewers for a gut-wrenching climax you won't soon forget!

Terror-Creatures from the Grave aka Cinque tombe per un medium
Directed by Massimo Pupillo/Italy/1965/85 minutes/35mm

An attorney arrives at a castle to settle the estate of its recently deceased owner. The owner's wife and daughter reveal that he was someone who was able to summon the souls of ancient plague victims and, in fact, his spirit was roaming the castle at that very moment. Soon occupants of the castle begin to die off in gruesome, violent ways. Starring Barbara Steele.

Saturday, August 22: Exhumed Presents "Acid and Evisceration: A Night With Jeff Lieberman"
Blue Sunshine
Directed by Jeff Lieberman/US/1976/90 minutes/16mm

This classic cult horror film, from acclaimed writer/director Jeff Lieberman, is a masterpiece of psychological suspense and terror. At a party, someone goes insane and murders three women. Falsely accused of the brutal killings, Jerry (Red Shoe Diaries' Zalman King) is on the run. More bizarre killings continue with alarming frequency all over town. Trying to clear his name, Jerry discovers the shocking truth - people are losing their hair and turning into violent psychopaths and the connection may be some LSD all the murderers took a decade before. Soon, if Jerry can't stop it, the horror will become uncontrollable -- the horror caused by Blue Sunshine!

Just Before Dawn
Directed by Jeff Lieberman/US/1981/99 minutes/16mm

Five youths set out for a weekend camping excursion, to drink, frolic and skinny-dip on an isolated piece of land one of them has inherited. Despite ominous warnings of local forest rangers, strange backwoods families and a hollering drunken hunter claiming to have witnessed his friends evisceration by the hands of "demons", they trek farther into the foliage. Beautifully shot, extremely eerie, featuring the most demented murderer since Jason Voorhees, and a horrifying twist that will make you wonder: Will any of them survive those dark hours just before dawn? Presented here in a very rare longer print with more footage than any video release of the film.

Saturday / Sunday Oct 24th and 25th - The RETURN of the Mighty 24hour Fest!!
Details to follow

All shows are now conveniently located at the International House at 3701 Chestnut St., Philadelphia

My Blog

One week to 25 Hour Horror-thon! Plus: new t-shirt design!

Hello Exhumed Films friends!   We have just a little over a week to go until our second annual 24 Hour Horror-thon (which is now a 25 hour event thanks to Daylight Savings Time), and we're...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 14:59:00 GMT

The 25-Hour Show FAQ

THE ALL NEW UPDATED FOR 2008 Exhumed Films 25 Hour Horror-thon FAQ!Q: I'm unfamiliar with this Horror-thon you speak of...what is involved? A: Last year, in celebration of Exhumed Films' 10th annive...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 15:20:00 GMT

24 hours until 24 Hour Horror-thon!

Hey there, Exhumed Films fans!We're just about 24 hours away from the biggest event in Exhumed Films'history: our first (and probably last!) 24 Hour Horror-thon.  Excitement andanticipation fo...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 07:48:00 GMT

24 Hour Horror-thon FAQ (Please Read!)

Exhumed Films 24 Hour Horror-thon FAQ Q: Why are you guys doing this show? A: For a few reasons:         1. It's our tenth anniversary and we want to do some...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 03:54:00 GMT

Regarding the Controversy Surrounding Our Screening of HOUSE ON THE EDGE OF THE PARK

Initial messages to Exhumed Films: Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 12:29 PMSubject: Complaint about Sat 5/12 film Hello, I have a complaint about one of your films shown Sat...
Posted by on Wed, 17 May 2006 07:52:00 GMT


Watch the INFRAMAN Trailer
Posted by on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 08:07:00 GMT


Posted by on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 08:39:00 GMT


Hi, everyone. Diabolik DVD just got in the long-awaited Grindhouse CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST DVD that will be released next week. I have seen the Exhumed Films segment, which is accessed by going to the fina...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 10:22:00 GMT

Cannibal Holocaust UPDATE

Hi, Bob. One quick question: We're psyched that our screening of CH is going to be an Easter Egg on the DVD, but can you tell me where to find it so I can check it out when we get the prom...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 10:59:00 GMT


Hi, everyone. Many of you have been asking us if the footage shot at the CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST screening we did at the Hoyt's a few years ago will appear on the forthcoming (and long delayed) Grindhouse ...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Oct 2005 07:32:00 GMT