my name is MARK HILL and im a BOSS...A HUSTLER,and a HaterHave you ever heard someone say that no matter how good you are at something, theres always someone whos better? Well, thats me. Im the guy whos better than you. At everything. Dont try to top me because its just not possible. My dreams are all becoming reality, there fore I do more in my sleep than the Marines do all day. Afterwards, I wake and bake, relax on the couch, and play X-Box until we hit the club.
what im thinking
feb 14- single awarness day ..thats why im worken a 16 hour day tomarrow....oh tell me why it took a hour to add frankie finch to mytop 8 im a start deleten the pornstars
feb 13- it is confirmed i am moven closer to work now..i will be signing the 12 month lease no more long drives back and forth....
feb 12- i was trying to help my nigg out ( look what happen)
feb 12 - i have found a new place to live
feb 1- i hate getting out the shower and u gotta take a shit..your all wet and dirty agian ...
- jenny smells
- j-bling is so ugly when he sleeps..big lip bitch! lol
- gears of war is clean ...but people are to damn good
- i hate khaos s curl kit...left my car smelly