Ne0n__Bunny profile picture


Sweet Seduction in a Magazine

About Me

Hello :P I am RIK!! mwuahaha! lol I am a very calm, laid back person..sure I have my hissy fits but who doesn't?! I love going out to clubs around London and looking at art. I think it's good to take an interest in all aspects of life even if it's just acknowledging the fact it is there. Hence my variation of socialising. I love seeing my friends, you guys mean the world to me!!I love Japan and everything about it, it's just such a fascinating country..I suggest you all read Wrong about Japan by Peter Carey...It's a very good book. I love to read, it let's my mind drift off into another space and helps my mind to relax :DI'm a hair stylist and work and live in Reading. I plan to move to london in january! believe in meaningful conversation..seriously cut the small talk. Oh and you'll find me somewhere round London with a fag in my hand..probably in a starbucks as well.I love my boyfriend with all my heart, he's so special to me 3 dunno where I'd be without him! Also Most of all I love my friends!! They mean they WORLD to me and make me so happy, i'd rather have a night in with them and chill out then go out and party with randoms! Although im open to meeting new people!:P oh and i'm a bitch. It takes a certain amount to piss me off, but if you push the right buttons you will succeed on making me angry..Don't push it with me or my friends!!IWant to see in my brain?

My Interests

PSytrance:Hardhouse:Glamour:lipstick:Pink:UV GREEN:Fashion:Cyberdog:Slimelight:Syntheticculture:Trashpala ce:purple turtle:udnerworld:velocity:Dropzone:risingsun:Drinking:clubb ing:hair:makeup:ponies:carebares:shoes:flowers:pretty things: cuddly toys: plastic hair: falls : wigs : eyelashes : glitter: magazines : shopping..ANIME:MANGAOh yea I'm a man.x

I'd like to meet:

omg..wtF?!?!?! ¬_¬I've found my love, and its amazing.Love my babydoll x


Apop, Aural Vampire, Breeze, Benni benassi, Cat scan, Covenant, Combichrist, dirty sanchez, Dead or alive, dir en grey, Eric prydz, Faithless, felix da house cat, fishcerspooner, gackt, goldfrapp, Hixxy, hypnoskull, hocico, icon of coil, Iris, Implant, jack off jill, ken martin, keoki, ladytron, lab 4, malice mizer, Madonna, Mesh, Miss Kittin, Neurotic fish, New order, Olive, Pride and fall, Pet shop boys, Prodigy, Project pitchfork, Punch inc, Rotersand, Reaper, Scissor sisters, Seabound, Skinny Puppy, s.k.e.t, Soft cell, styles, Spice girls, sneaky bat machine (goteki), The cure, The clash, Tin omen, Trans x, Ultravoice, Ultra violence, Vnv nation, Vitalic, Who da funk, Wumpscut, winterkalte, wolfshiem, Xotox, xpq 21, Yoji, Zensor, zoot woman.And I really can't be bothered to name any more lol. But I like most hardcore music, psytrance, hard house, noize, industrial, ebm, jrock, jpop, techno, electroclash, TRASH , sleaze, pop, some rock whatever :Px


Lost in translation, Akira, Sakura card captors, Final fantasy, Final fantasy advent children, Kill Bill Kill Bill 2 Party Monster The Rocky Horror Picture show I know what you did last summer Sleepy Hollow The Craft Nightmare before Christmas Trainspotting Pulp Fiction : chobits:clover:card captors : sailor moon: Tenchi


DESPERETE HOUSEWIVES!!! Will and Grace!! That 70's show, Ugly betty, Friday night project, Janice dickonsons modelling angency, Skins, Digimon. haha x


Prozac nation, lost in translation, my life as a male anorexic, My life in japan, japanese poor girl, memoirs of a giesha, Bridget jone's diary:Charlie and the choclate factory:Disco Bloodbath:Lord of the rings:Murder novels:Wrong about Japan: Anything by Clamp


You can only make your own hero.

My Blog

new picssss

Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 06:52:00 PST


WHICH ONES SHOULD I UPLOAD?!!!   lmao retard eye lol How gay am I?! Do you see the attitude in this space? x...
Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:49:00 PST


Theres something cold and blank behind her smileShes standing on an overpassIn her miracle mile(coma):You were from a perfect worldA world that threw me away todayToday to run awayA pill to make you n...
Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Wed, 03 May 2006 10:37:00 PST


Why the fuck do I get like this?! I feel so shit, why am I fucking ugly and -FAT- no matter what I do I Cant change it and it's getting to me. I just dont feel like I can face work tomorrow either and...
Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Tue, 02 May 2006 05:59:00 PST


Hehe I looked HOT last night ^_________^ Me and Emz actually look SO evil here.. "come in here giving it all that" lol "will the real slim shady please stand up?" Me and Kate :D CHARLI...
Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Mon, 01 May 2006 03:13:00 PST

change of profile

Okay I took a look at my MYSPACE and decided it really wasnt me anymore so i've changed it , new pics song and everything :D ENJOY !! x
Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 06:09:00 PST

My great gran and my dream..

last night/this morning..was the first time I cried about my great nan's death...I had a dream.. I was sitting in virginia water.. where we always used to go, where we used to sit by the tolten pole i...
Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 03:59:00 PST

cam whore photos of new hair

  And a close up of the hair I love it and it's uv....
Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 04:59:00 PST


*the beetles plays on the cd player* Rik- What the fuck is this? Faye -you don't KNOW what this is? Nina- oh god... Andrea- it's Madonna! Nina- No it's not its front line assembly Rik- what?!?!! Nina-...
Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 04:20:00 PST

VOID the last entry..

Im just pissed off ignore me x   A trapped nerve. 13 pills later. What the fuck just happened? oh and im taking a break from slimes as I miss raving so more raves for me in the next month :D x &n...
Posted by Ne0n__Bunny on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:24:00 PST