PSytrance:Hardhouse:Glamour:lipstick:Pink:UV GREEN:Fashion:Cyberdog:Slimelight:Syntheticculture:Trashpala ce:purple turtle:udnerworld:velocity:Dropzone:risingsun:Drinking:clubb ing:hair:makeup:ponies:carebares:shoes:flowers:pretty things: cuddly toys: plastic hair: falls : wigs : eyelashes : glitter: magazines : shopping..ANIME:MANGAOh yea I'm a man.x
omg..wtF?!?!?! ¬_¬I've found my love, and its amazing.Love my babydoll x
Apop, Aural Vampire, Breeze, Benni benassi, Cat scan, Covenant, Combichrist, dirty sanchez, Dead or alive, dir en grey, Eric prydz, Faithless, felix da house cat, fishcerspooner, gackt, goldfrapp, Hixxy, hypnoskull, hocico, icon of coil, Iris, Implant, jack off jill, ken martin, keoki, ladytron, lab 4, malice mizer, Madonna, Mesh, Miss Kittin, Neurotic fish, New order, Olive, Pride and fall, Pet shop boys, Prodigy, Project pitchfork, Punch inc, Rotersand, Reaper, Scissor sisters, Seabound, Skinny Puppy, s.k.e.t, Soft cell, styles, Spice girls, sneaky bat machine (goteki), The cure, The clash, Tin omen, Trans x, Ultravoice, Ultra violence, Vnv nation, Vitalic, Who da funk, Wumpscut, winterkalte, wolfshiem, Xotox, xpq 21, Yoji, Zensor, zoot woman.And I really can't be bothered to name any more lol. But I like most hardcore music, psytrance, hard house, noize, industrial, ebm, jrock, jpop, techno, electroclash, TRASH , sleaze, pop, some rock whatever :Px
Lost in translation, Akira, Sakura card captors, Final fantasy, Final fantasy advent children, Kill Bill Kill Bill 2 Party Monster The Rocky Horror Picture show I know what you did last summer Sleepy Hollow The Craft Nightmare before Christmas Trainspotting Pulp Fiction : chobits:clover:card captors : sailor moon: Tenchi
DESPERETE HOUSEWIVES!!! Will and Grace!! That 70's show, Ugly betty, Friday night project, Janice dickonsons modelling angency, Skins, Digimon. haha x
Prozac nation, lost in translation, my life as a male anorexic, My life in japan, japanese poor girl, memoirs of a giesha, Bridget jone's diary:Charlie and the choclate factory:Disco Bloodbath:Lord of the rings:Murder novels:Wrong about Japan: Anything by Clamp
You can only make your own hero.