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Hinky Moo

About Me


I am POPPY!!! (named after the comedian Poppy Pooh Pa, so my dad could be Poppy Pooh's Pa, so my childhood nickname was Pooh)... I am great, for many reasons. I like stomping around in the snow and playing with beanbags and My Little Ponys and dinosaur toys, and whizzing around on my wheely chair at work. I can't pronounce paradoxical. I drop things a lot and can't do anything fiddly.
I don't smoke or drink (anymore) and I try not to swear... I want to stop but I can't seem to! I want to study Geology, not for the rocks but for volcanoes and earthshakes, and who knows, if I keep going that way one day I could go into space to go see volcanoes on different planets (thinkbig). I love learning! If I couldn't learn anymore I'd be really depressed. I loveitloveitloveit. I love climbing trees - trees are great (I've become a hippietreehugger & I love it - hippietreehugging is great!!!).
Yellow flowers are the best.
This Dr Mousey Drakangrasaur Shufflebottom PHd, he great, he have beanbag feet and is sworn enemies with anything that hangs from my ceiling (especially my lampshade), he make me laugh hysterically even at 7am on a Monday because he can't find his socks & makes finding some an adventure :) we going to live in an old house with billions of cats, we named some of them already; Gorf, Kemoggie, Moggiemo, I forget the rest (I a bad catmum).

This Sir Higgins Potato God, she weird, she think she made the universe when she was sober but me & deadsam both know she was on acid! We already live in a old house, no cats though, even you could mistake her for a small freaky creature sometimes. Only thing she enemies with is humankinds, cos it smells.

"Mental reflection is so much more interesting than TV it's a shame more people don't switch over to it. They probably think what they hear is unimportant but it never is."

My Interests

anime/manga, fantasy, science, magic, poi, psychology, music, hippies, hitler, philosophy, religions, colors, iceland, tectonic plates, japan, being the antichrist, geology, airsoft, graphic novels + comics, frogs, ketamine, yellow highlighters, jaffa cakes, lonely places, leg warmers, fluff, GUNNS, acid fairies, aflibbuwa & bubblwap

I'd like to meet:

Someone who'll buy me a telescope, so I can see Venus. I want to meet cats, I love cats, I want to use one as a pillow again, my old cat used to let me do that when I was small. Preferably a ginger one. Although there's a really nice black cat I see on the way home from work, I want to steal it... Spacemen!!! I want to meet spacemen!!! Not necessarily aliens, but that'd be good too :)


psytrance, drone metal, happy hardcore, shoegaze, breakcore, thrash metal, post-rock, indie-folk, electronic, gabber, britpop... i like some country music but not the barn dance kind, the sort of farm-in-the-middle-of-nowhere kind... but shh
SIGUR ROS (I worship), Jeff Buckley, Incubus, Radiohead, Bjork, Jesu, Pendulum, Sufjan Stevens, Boards Of Canada, Rotator, Massive Attack, Soulfly, Sting, Venetian Snares, Damien Rice, Ed Cox & everyone Life4Land, Craig Armstrong, Prodigy, Eric Serra, Scott Brown, Sepultura Regina Spektor, Shitmat, Joanna Newsom, Brisk & Ham, Smashing Pumpkins, Deftones, Alec Empire, Sphongle, Coal Chamber, Dimmu Borgir, The Smiths, Servants of the Apocalyptic Goat Rave, Hatebreed, System Of A Down, Bloc Party, The Cure, Lighthouse Family, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Doves, Nu Energy, Skazi, Nina Simone, Tracy Chapman, Led Zeppelin, Expolsions in the Sky, Bong-Ra, µ-Ziq, Doormouse, Lamb, Aphex Twin, Rage Against the Machine, The Smiths, Beck, Squarepusher, Thom Yorke, M83, Devendra Banhart, Hellfish, CocoRosie, Queens of the Stone Age, Deerhoof, Iron & Wine, Bedouin Soundclash ...


Japanese gore/splatterfests, Studio Ghibli, magical fantasy & anything really disturbing or disgusting!!!
Fifth Element, Leon, The Land Before Time, Vanilla Sky, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Battle Royale, Battle Royale II: Requiem, House of Flying Daggers, Blade Runner, Howls Moving Castle, Cypher, Taxi Driver, The Bone Collector, Equilibrium, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Reign of Fire, Spirited Away, American Beauty, Pi, The Big Sleep, Fight Club, Casshern, Akira, Donnie Darko, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, My Neighbour Totoro, Empire Records, Pi, Twelve Monkeys, Princess Mononoke, Amelie, Jarhead, The Green Mile, The Aviator, Natural Born Killers, American History X, Harvey, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Reservoir Dogs, Seven, Ghandi, Face Off, Labrynth, The Princess Bride, Beetlejuice, Lucky Number Slevin, Requiem for a Dream, Existenz, Identity, Hard Candy, Serenity, The Motorcycle Diaries, FFVII - Advent Children, The Virgin Suicides, Solaris, Laputa Castle In The Sky, La Haine... .. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://../css/.." height="350" width="425" ..


I love UKTV History. I spend whole days watching series' on dinosaurs or the geological history or Europe...


Out Of The Silent Planet. Perelandra. That Hiddeous Strength. Jarhead. Vurt. Pollen. Automated Alice. Loving April. Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintinence.'Shut The Fuck Up'. A Scanner Darkly. The Wee Free Men. Sprout Mask Replica. The Handmaids Tale. Northern Lights. The Subtle Knife. The Amber Spyglass. Nymphomation.
Still got to read; 1984. Falling Out of Cars. Brave New World. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Snow Crash. Animal Farm. Farenheit 451. Lila: An Inquiry into Morals. Choke.


C.S. Lewis, Robert M. Pirsig, Thom Yorke, Jeff Noon, Brandon Boyd, Yuta (poiboy), Oscar the Grouch (I like grumpy people), the Clangers (They colonised the moon! I'm impressed!), the Wombles (Cos they're enviromentalists).

My Blog

Me day

HOORAY FOR POPPY DAY!!! WORSHIP FUCKERS!!! Ignorant fools all of them... ...
Posted by Lítill Regnboga Álfur on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 03:25:00 PST

stuff i like that is good and i like it cos it's good and yeah.

storms are fun. it wasn't raining at all when i got on the tube and when i got off it was and me and bollckxxxs walked through tooting walking into puddles and avoiding getting splashed by cars mostly...
Posted by Lítill Regnboga Álfur on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 04:36:00 PST