Besides thinking way.... too much,I also like to do craft projects, listen to music, watch T.V.,shop in thrift stores,go camping,take short walks in the country,home decorating,My "dream home"would be a small self sufficient homefarm "off the grid" with small separate houses for all My closest Loved Ones to come and go as We please and take care of EachOther, like I imagine it might have been in some places in ancient times, only with technology like solar power,refrigeration,and other things to make Life more stable and secure,not so much tied to the whims of Nature, food wise anyway.My favorite magazine has been "Mother Earth News" for many years. Most of all I like sharing My life and giving as Much Pleasure to the Others I Love,in return for the same:):):):)
Others who are true to EveryOne, Especially ThemSelves. Others who are kind, helpful and respectful to Others, who do not hurt Others on purpose,except -when it is mutually agreed upon in certain situations, all in fun and not seriously :). Others who's Souls are open wide to ever changing ideas and opinions, with no secrets. Others who do Not feel the need to own or control Others,-see exception above. Others who give Much Love Freely and without conditions, note- it is possible to love and care for Others, but Not like what They do, which can cause You to not want to spend very much actual time with Them in the Flesh.
My favorite band is Corvus Corax,Their music is MAGNIFICENTLY MAGICAL,for some reason bagpipe music makes Me cry, like when You are deeply touched by something and You just feel that overwhelming feeling and the tears come,-also note that They are MAGNIFICENTLY GORGEOUS to look at as well:):). I also like Ardor,Castus Rabensang(who are both in Corvas Corax), Cornix Maledictum, (another band that Ardor is in),KDA,Norri,Tanzwut,Teufel,Die Form,Depeche Mode,Marilyn Manson,David Bowie,Lou Reed,The Moody Blues,Gary Numan,Alice Cooper,Soft Cell,The Cure,Donovan, The Cruxshadows, Carfax Abbey,(the last 2 I first heard on a free CD sent to me by "Asleep By Dawn" mag. You should really check them out and You can get a free CD too if They are still sending them,come to think about it that is where I heard Corvus Corax for the first time.)I like lots of other bands that I hear on Live365radio that I never quite get the names of unfortunately,mostly on the goth/metal/ techno and 70's/ 80's(my teen years) alternative stations.I also like sea shanties,pirate songs,and folk songs from other countries.
My most favorite movie is The Rocky Horror Picture Show,mmmm!!!! very.... bad ending though.I also like Edward Scissor Hands,EraserHead (very strange),Liquid Sky,Legend,-Sex,Lies,And Video Tape-The Hotel New Hampshire, The Nightmare Before Christmas,and lots more,but my brain is not working properly at the moment(probably a low blood sugar thing) perhaps I will list more at another time. Sweet November (the original w/ Sandy Dennis) The "Tammy" movies with Sandra Dee,the "Gidget" movies,the "surf"movies,"The Truth About Spring"with Hayley Mills( I had really big crushes on Sandra Dee and Hayley Mills)any of those weirdly trippy movies like The Apple which I saw part of really late at night once a long time ago but have never been able to find it again,sci-fi/horror B-movies....James Bond(Sean Connery),-X,Y and Zee(Elizabeth Taylor)
My most favorite T.V. show of all time is The Addams Family. Morticia and Gomez seemed so totally in Love and devoted to EachOther ,and took good care of EachOther as well as the rest of Their Family no matter what. As I grew older watching the re-runs I had equal crushes on Them Both and just wanted to be included too,yes I do mean sharing the king size bed of nails all together :).My other favorites are Star Trek-(Spock), Star Trek The Next Gen.-(Data,Counselor Troy,Guinan),Dr.Who,Wild Wild West,Monty Python's Flying Circus,Beauty And The Beast-(Catherine and Vincent),Buffy The Vampire Slayer-(Spike and Willow),Lexx-(Kai),Forever Knight-(Nick and Janette),Profit,lots more too numerous to list. I mostly only watch HGTV,The Food Net.,Discovery,The Travel Ch. etc. now,I hardly ever watch network T.V. It is painful watching Others try to work out Their lives, even on sitcoms these days and I really strongly do not care much for "reality" T.V. ,(a counseler I used to go to told Me Not to watch the news or read the paper because I worry about Everyone and what Others do to EachOther so much that I get overly upset:(. Hot l Baltimore,Soap,Night Court,Twin Peaks,The John Laroquette Show,Northern Exposure,When Things Were Rotten,Mr.Wizard,Beakman's World,Pee Wee's Playhouse (explained to upset young Son when canceled "Well,He did something some people did not like and became unpopular all of a sudden" I just could not think of a better way to put it at the time and can not really even now,I mean, come on, He was in an adult movie theater not hurting AnyOne,a lot of Others have done a lot worse to Others actually and are still popular.
My favorite quote is "One should respect public opinion insofar as necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison,but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unecessary tyranny." Bertrand Russell I have a ton of books, craft books, science fiction, humorous, self help, artbooks,some wiccan, and others of that sort of book,and some really strange books. I like Gene Wolfe"s "Book Of The New Sun" ( I wanted to name My Son "Severian" but NoOne else thought it was a good idea to name Him after a "Torturer" so I could not :( ) Mark Twain but not so much His stories more like what He thought and Benjamin Franklin ( I can never get the picture of Him taking an "air bath " out of My head, I think it was Him,it must have been a sight :):) Anne Rices' stuff,Laurell K. Hamilton, "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman And Terry Pratchett (I actually had to buy that twice, since I had loaned it out and never got it back and wanted to read it again) The Catwings Books by Ursula Le Guin and Her other stuff. I used to have some of the Monty Python and Dr.Who Books but they went somewhere I know not where, I look for them on ebay sometimes but I have not gotten any. I was looking for a long time on ebay for my Son's favorite book, one that I always liked very much too "Sir MacHinery" by Tom McGowan, the first time I got it at a thrift store in Alabama for 50 cents :):) the second time I paid $26 and that was way cheap,I saw it in some auction once for over $500.00?!?! We still have the first one but it is missing a few pages as books sometimes do if You like them so much, although it is not My Sons' fault his Dad did not take very good care of things at times and that is were alot of My books went :(:( I had an autographed copy of "Mug Shots" a book from the 70's about all the famous and infamous sixties People like Abbie Hoffman,Lou Reed, Jefferson Airplane (before they were TheStarship) etc. it was not signed by the author it was signed by Iggy Pop, He is in it "Iggy and The Stooges", He signed it for Me at "The Shabboo Inn" in the town where I used to live wayyyyyy back when. A really interesting book of famous Peoples lip prints that They did for charity, I can not imagime some of the guys in it actually putting on lipstick for it, I will have to check, but I think Mohammad Ali did not, but He did draw some. I like Edward Gorey,Aubrey Bearsdsley, Arthur Rackham,Kate Greenaway for illustrators,The Marquis de Sade is pretty interesting and stuff like that.I have been looking for 2 books for a very long time one was called "The Littlest Tooth Fairy" it was a pink cloth bound library book, in it the littlest Tooth Fairy takes Your teeth because She none of her own and She makes a necklace out of Yours, I can not remember if She tries to were them as "teeth" at some point or not, You would think I would remember because I checked it out of the library so many times They would not let Me anymore, and made Me check out other books :( The other book is another favorite of both My Son and I, it is called JUNK FOOD but not the ones that are always on Amazon, this one is a humorous book similar to how the "Monty Python" books are, there is a waitress in a diner on the cover I think and somewhere in it is a picture of a "breaded hampster on stick" standing on a cookie sheet in an oven, I actually saw the book on an episode of "Extreme Homes" on HGTV sitting on someones shelf and I ordered it from SomeOne on Amazon that said They had it but then They just sent My money back and I did not get the book :(:( I have the "Road Kill" cookbooks and "The Eat A Pet Cook Book" and "Critter Cuisine" (great photographs in that one) well I have got to go it is almost time to wake up and I have not even gone to sleep yet!!!!
Willie Nelson,because He seems so Very Good and Kind at helping the environment and Others who are in distress, even at times when He is not having such a good time of it sometimes HimSelf!!::):)Benjamin Franklin,