Urban Gypsy profile picture

Urban Gypsy

Jennia Fredrique

About Me

Reluctant human. I heard Mozart's music centuries ago and said, "sign me up. How bad can Human existance be? So.... I dig being an earthling, it still feels a little weird, but i'm adjusting. I like being surrounded by light hearted, artsy, funky people, so much so until That's all i surround myself with. I like being naked.. I like going to sleep to dream because I can fly there. That shit is so other worldly! I dig traveling (astral too.) I like my name. I love being a woman. I like walking. I like Sananda Maitreya for adding his music and Light to the Universe (Mars included). I like Prince and i love 'The Ballad of Dorthy Parker'. I like Lenny and Coltrane and Bjork and Jagger and Wonder all in the same breath. I like Josephine Baker for making me want to go to Paris and loved her when I found out she was right. I like manifesting all that i want and looking back with amazement. I like Momma for always singing around the house and introducing me to an amazing era of literature and poets: Niki Giovanni, Maya Angelou, Countee Cullen and Langston Hughes, i call it the 'swing low negro'. I like daddy for being an amazing Photographer and ONLY listening to jazz and Classical and having a garden that we'd pick green tomatoes from so mamma could fry 'em and printing his pictures in the darkroom and reading incessantly and being deep and never treating me like a kid and talking to me for hours and hours and never saying no. I love all the beauty in the world and focusing on that. I dig Jupiter cause it's the planet of love, luck, travel and expansion. I like the moon, especially when it's full. I like acting and making people laugh because i feel like laughter is healing. i like that i'm not finished telling you what i like and i like not capitalizing I. I edited my profile at HerMyspaceLayouts.com .

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

museums, books. music. dreamology. traveling (physical and astral). movies. long walks. Paris (long walks in paris). belly dancing.Urban Gypsy Bellydancing

I'd like to meet:

coooool mutha fuckas!


Sananda Maitreya, Bjork, Joni Mitchell, Jude, Nikka Costa, lenny Kravtiz, Prince, Esthero, Stevie Wonder, J.S. Bach (my daddy made me now i love it), Jill Scott,Meshell N'degecello, Mos Def,Jennia on Jay Leno
param /> ..>


param /> ..>City of God, Kramer vs Kramer, The Graduate, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Stealing Beauty, Brokeback Mountain, Hannah and her Sisters, The Color Purple, Pulp Fiction, Romeo is Bleeding, Fight Club, Out of Africa, Basquiat, Matrix, Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Punch Drunk Love


Sesame Street, Seinfeld, Sex and The City, Curb your Enthusiasm


All of Maya Angelou's books, the dreamer's dictionary, and all of Sananya Roman book's, The Last Unicorn, The Power of Now, Kaleidescope (poems by american negro poets 1967)


Augustine and Garnett Fredrick Watson, Maya Angelou, Sanaya Roman, Mahommed Ali, and all the other progressive thinkers who says the impossible can be done!

My Blog


hello lovers and friends!!! go to my new site on wordpress and read the article i wrote that helped transform my life!!!! warning:  following the article word for word will result in severe happi...
Posted by Urban Gypsy on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 06:29:00 PST

shift happens

so here it is....me. no really, me. alot of my very dear friends know the space im in and what my life looks like right now.... the marriage, the baby, the separation, the happiness.... the happines...
Posted by Urban Gypsy on Sun, 18 May 2008 10:37:00 PST

just landed...

dearest ones, i know, i've been away for some time now.... my spaceship just crash landed... is this civilization? you are all much more beautiful than i remembered!
Posted by Urban Gypsy on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 05:19:00 PST

Cronos, god of time

"now is the time to live powerfully" my friend said. so i laced up my high heeled boots and said fuck it. it's a good journey, im in no hurry. i thought everything up till now was a dress rehearsal o...
Posted by Urban Gypsy on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 04:26:00 PST

until we crash into each other again

augustus, in my dream last night you just stared at me as if you knew a secret. i remember wanting to ask you but never did. I've spent most of this day reading and thinking and wondering what true fr...
Posted by Urban Gypsy on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 12:47:00 PST

Elephant and Castle

snippets from my book..........................   She was lost and got off on the wrong tube stop.  He was wandering the streets of london for inspiration.   They met and from that...
Posted by Urban Gypsy on Sun, 13 May 2007 11:16:00 PST

random writings from my journal

i dreamed of fire last night and trying to stop a crew of bandits with big plans to blow up the sun.... i dont remember stopping them.--------------------------------- how do you sing a song without r...
Posted by Urban Gypsy on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:25:00 PST

my reel

Posted by Urban Gypsy on Sun, 14 May 2006 10:36:00 PST


many moons ago, two spirits drifted aimlessly through the galaxy, happy and free, moving with Godspeed and sonic booms eyes closed and soaring, the two spirits got their wings tangled and found themse...
Posted by Urban Gypsy on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:58:00 PST

Paris diary entry

may 16th i am here and feel more alive and free and beautiful. in one word .... delicious! the french wrap their love around me and i hug back. how can i be so awake and at home in this place? i wont ...
Posted by Urban Gypsy on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 02:15:00 PST