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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

After realising that listening to electro and smoking behind the bikesheds at school was just a short-term solution to life, Russ then aged 15, started working weekends for a mobile disco in his home town in Surrey, UK. It was here that he discovered that there was more to fading 'Dire Straits' into 'Agadoo' on the twin deck console, and before long was having a crack at blending some chicago house beats together. A few years on in between getting a trade under his belt, saw him honing the skills at local parties and gigs, and heading to Australia in '94 he slipped into a residency at Axis in Perth, and gigs at Zoom in Sydney. Returning back to the UK he mixed local gigs and clubnights put on in London by friends, with the likes of Notting Hill carnival afterpartys courtesy of Fingerlickin' Records.
Needing to seek new horizons, in 2003 Russ and two friends sold all they had and flew to Russia to start an epic overland journey that would culminate for him in Sydney. Before long he was DJ'ing at Mocean on sundays. Studying for a journalism diploma and having to get a job to aid his residency application did'nt help his partytime but the long hours have'nt stopped him. Russ likes keeping it varied which has seen him playing at the High-Flyers day cruises on Sydney Harbour, BLiSS@The Cross, residency at Naked@Sapphire Suite, spinning alongside Adam Freeland, Tank nightclub, and in the past couple of years taking over the helm on BondiFM's renowned Homegrown show with studio guests including Kosheen.
Sidetracking slightly from his traveljournalism, Russ has recently been working as photographer and reviewer with Partysan Australia, a monthly magazine that covers events, DJ's and the clubbing scene. Rubbing shoulders with the likes of Groove Armada and Satoshii Tomiie when shooting around Sydney, Russ found that "it's lighter to lug around than my record bag, and a camera's always a great icebreaker with the ladies..."
Always on the move so as to confuse the authorities, Russ is currently abandoning the Sydney winter for a summer season of pints and festivals in the UK.
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My Interests

Surfing,diving..the ocean. Love it. Parties 'n nights around town, day-after sesh drinkin, welding bits of metal together, DJ'ing and music, travel and all the rewards that come with it, havin' a quality laugh with friends.

I'd like to meet:

The twat who nicked me stereo 'n fags from my Mini Clubman back in '89. Twat.


Hi-Hats + Bassline = House. Jackin', funky, latin, vocal, deep, dirty, tech...House. Anything with that 'groove'. You know what I mean. Minimal?? I've got a 7'2" Minimal which I ride when the surf's up...nuff said. Otherwise, Harper, Zeppelin, Hendrix, Metallica, Stone Roses, Marley, cheesy Axe solos, band gigs around Sydney...


    Gangster classics Scorsese Kubrick Human Traffic Riding Giants Eastwood..


Simpsons, ABC/SBS doco's..but i'd rather go out..


Hunter S Thompson, love his style. Witty 'n gritty travel stories, The Gringo Trail etc.


Kenny Dalglish John Cooper Ronnie Barker Big Wave riders David Attenborough.

My Blog

Final Bondi FM show Pt.2April '07

...Followin hot on the heels from Bob in Pt. 1, DJ KCee from BLiSS fame ( ), pushed the tempo for the 2nd part of the show before I wrapped the show up for the la...
Posted by Russ on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 05:29:00 PST

Final Bondi FM show Pt.1April '07

Wrappin' up my final stint at the helm of the Homegrown show on Bondi FM saw a packed house in the studio to see me off before I headed to the UK for the summer, not least of all DJ Bob Frisky (h...
Posted by Russ on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 05:12:00 PST

Bondi FM-Kosheen

Back in December '06, Darren & Markee from Kosheen came in to the studio to drop some tunage, plug their new album and to generally have a chat...check out the interview...http://www.myspace....
Posted by Russ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 12:27:00 PST

Peak hour techy electro mix...

.. taking it up a notch with a slighty grittier-edged mix %20bondifm.mp3 ...
Posted by Russ on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:35:00 PST