One of Music Connection Magazine's
"Top 100 Unsinged Artists of the Year"
Runner-Up at this year's
John Lennon Songwriting Contest
An old soul in a new age, Derren Raser stands out from the monotonous fray of popular music. Witty, well-spoken and wise beyond his 20-something years, singer-songwriter Raser will move you with his thoughtful lyrics and haunting melodies. His ballads are old-fashioned folk stories and beautiful tributes to love lost and found.
A prolific songwriter, Derren combines lively folk-rock and classic singer-songwriter traditions with the hard edge of contemporary pop and rock influences, he has honed a cutting edge sound that is immediately both fresh and familiar. His music has been described as "Simon and Garfunkel meets the Shins." It is music that sounds equally at home on an old dusty hi-fi or in a sleek new iPod.
A unique and abundant talent, Derren will continue to share the stage with greats like Ben Taylor, Sonya Kitchell, Hem, Ollabelle, Garrison Starr, Arnold McCuller, Richie Cannata and more.
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