I am John and I am the owner of the bar "the other side" at AMYNTAIO greece. I organize concerts so, if you are in a band just send me an email.this are some bands who played in my bar:raining pleasure-rotting christ-spyridoyla-mindisease-scab level-skaribas-sacrament-mutrect rectun-go over 1000-63 high-unknown passage-bulldoza-batlord(L.A)-stefan(big sleep)nikki sudenn(jacobites U.K)curlee wurlee(GER)-morris tepper(cpt beefhart U.S.A)teleytaio senario-ypogeia troxeia-extrano alma-los tromos-the aleph.my objective is my bar become the center of west macedonia where somedy can see live bands.www.otherside.gr
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