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A well balanced diet of rock,hardcore,jazz,metal,electronica,synth pop,new wave,singer/songwriters,& indie. Evertime I list all of my favorite artists it never seems complete, so genres will have to do.
Snatch, Dirty Work, Swingers, Lock Stock, Donnie Darko, the Warriors, Clerks, Dawn of the Dead, Trancers, 40 Year Old Virgin, Pool Hall Junkies, Labriynth, Ghostbusters, Enter the Dragon, Goodfellas, Big Lebowski, Evil dead Trilogy,Early Full Moon films, Back to the Future Trilogy, Brain Candy,American Psycho
Curb Your Enthusiasm.Family Guy, Black Adder, Seinfeld, Three's Company,Entourage, Married with Children,Degrassi,Mst3k, Aqua teen, the Critic.Kids in the Hall, Mr.Show,Metalocalypse,Perfect Strangers, Robot Chicken,Ali G, Drinking with Bob
7 Spirtual Laws of Success, 1,000 Paths to Enlightenment, Dream Brother,Hardcore Zen,various History Texts, If Chins Could Kill, 201 Buddhist Reminders, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,Problem of the Media, Great Dialogues of Plato, The Way to Love,Bukowski, Deepak Chopra, Ageless Body-Timeless Mind